本文介绍了mysql,查询到 where 条件,如果一个值 = 任何东西的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



id        name            value
1         abc             12
2         def             13
4         mkg             14
5         pcr             10

select * from table where name = 'abc' and value = 12;--------------------- 这会给我

select * from table where name = 'abc' and value = 12;--------------------- this will give me result of

1        abc       12

SELECT * FROM table WHERE name = 'abc' AND value = 12 OR 1=1

这将列出我所有的项目,因为它应该只列出 name='abc' 然后搜索 12 的值或任何东西,如果不是 12 意味着空白它应该没问题.

this will list me all the items, as it should only list the name='abc' and then search for the value of 12 or any thing if not 12 means blank it should fine anything.

    1         abc             12
    2         def             13
    4         mkg             14
    5         pcr             10

这里我只想得到 name='abc',但每次查询时我都必须运行拖曳条件.like (select * from table where name=x and value=x or 1=1)

Here i want to get only the name='abc', but i have to run the tow conditions every time i do query. like (select * from table where name=x and value=x or 1=1)


1    abc    12

idia 是用户将通过输入为其中一列赋值,结果应根据用户输入进行搜索.

the idia is user will give value for one of the column by input and the resut shoudl search acording to the user input.

query: (SELECT * FROM table WHERE name = x or 1=1 AND (value = x or 1=1)

所以如果用户不只查询 name='abc' 和 value any

so if the user doest query only for name ='abc' and value any

 select * from table where name = 'abc' OR 1=1 and (value = '' OR 1=1):
 select * from table where name = '' OR 1=1  and (value = 12 OR 1=1):

因为用户会将其中之一放在 namevalue 中,所以我必须在两者中都放入 OR 1=1

because the user will put one of them either the name or value so i have to put the OR 1=1 in both of them.

<input type='text' name='name'>
<input type='text' name='value'>


1- 如果用户为两者都设置了值,则可以使用简单的 Q= 其中 x=x 和 y=y

1- if the user put value for both, it's ok with a simple Q= where x=x and y=y

2= 如果用户为 one(name) 输入值 Q= WHERE name=x and value = '' OR 1=1;

2= if the user put value for one(name) Q= WHERE name=x and value = '' OR 1=1;

3- 如果用户为 one(value)Q=select * from table WHERE name = 'abc' and (value = '' OR 1=1) 输入值:

3- if the user put value for one(value)Q=select * from table WHERE name = 'abc' and (value = '' OR 1=1):

4-如果用户为 both(name,value) 输入值 Q=select * from table WHERE name='abc' AND value=12;

4-if the user put value for both(name,value) Q=select * from table WHERE name='abc' AND value=12;


now i want the query that can manage all so i did:

query = SELECT * FROM table where name = Get-INPUT OR 1=1 AND (value= Get-INPUT or 1=1)

但这对我不起作用,因为条件 (1=1) 为真,它向我显示了所有记录.问题:如何管理我的表单,如果用户输入一个条件其他条件只是用户 1=1-true

but this is not working for me, as the condition (1=1) is true, it shows me all records.question: how to manage my form, if user input for one condition other condition just user 1=1-true



在查询中使用方括号,以逻辑方式对 WHERE 子句项进行分组.

Use brackets in your query, to group your WHERE clause items logically.

WHERE name = 'abc' AND (value = 12 OR 1=1)


If you are trying to provide a query that accepts two variables, and searches based on those variables you're only slightly off in your logic.


假设我们有两个变量 @incoming_name@incoming_value:

Presuming we have two variables @incoming_name and @incoming_value:

SET @incoming_name = 'abc';
SET @incoming_value = 12;

SELECT * FROM table1
WHERE (@incoming_name = name OR @incoming_name IS NULL)
AND (@incoming_value = value OR @incoming_value IS NULL)


1        abc       12


然后,如果用户为这些值中的任何一个提供 NULL,它将在您的搜索中跳过它们.

Then if the user supplies NULL for either of those values, it will skip over them in your search.

SET @incoming_name = 'abc';
SET @incoming_value = NULL;

SELECT * FROM table1
WHERE (@incoming_name = name OR @incoming_name IS NULL)
AND (@incoming_value = value OR @incoming_value IS NULL)


1        abc       12



If the user supplies neither of the variables to narrow down the search

SET @incoming_name = NULL;
SET @incoming_value = NULL;

SELECT * FROM table1
WHERE (@incoming_name = name OR @incoming_name IS NULL)
AND (@incoming_value = value OR @incoming_value IS NULL)


You will get all the results from the table

1         abc             12
2         def             13
4         mkg             14
5         pcr             10


使用此方法您不必在 MySQL 中SET 变量名,这仅用于演示目的.您也可以将代码/脚本中的值放入其他语言.例如使用 PHP 和 PDO Prepared Statments

Using this method you do not have to SET variable names in MySQL, that was just for demonstration purposes. You can put the value from your code/script in other languages as well. For example using PHP and PDO Prepared Statments

SELECT * FROM table1
WHERE (:incoming_name = name OR :incoming_name IS NULL)
AND (:incoming_value = value OR :incoming_value IS NULL)

然后您可以将您的用户变量绑定到 :incoming_name:incoming_value,它会按照您的预期进行搜索.如果其中一个为空,它将跳过它们,否则在搜索中将需要它们.

Then you can bind your user variables to :incoming_name and :incoming_value and it will search as you expect. If either are null it will skip over them, otherwise they'll be required in the search.

警告:我没有测试过这段代码,只是为了让您大致了解它是如何工作的.它使用 PHP PDO 和此处记录的准备好的语句.

Warning: I have not tested this code, it's just to give you a rough idea on how it would work. It uses PHPs PDO and prepared statements as documented here.

$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', $user, $pass);

$stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM table1
    WHERE (:incoming_name1 = name OR :incoming_name2 IS NULL)
    AND (:incoming_value1 = value OR :incoming_value2 IS NULL)");
$stmt->bindParam(':incoming_name1', $name);
$stmt->bindParam(':incoming_name2', $name);
$stmt->bindParam(':incoming_value1', $value);
$stmt->bindParam(':incoming_value2', $value);

if ($stmt->execute()) {
  while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {


You need to bind each param in the query with a separate name, which is why when we want the same param twice we need to give it a separate name (incoming_value1 and incoming_value2)

这篇关于mysql,查询到 where 条件,如果一个值 = 任何东西的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-16 03:16