任何想法?We need to stop students from clicking on the form button more than once.We have a form that students fill out with their credit card information.They click, the form sends the data in xml to Bank of America, theres ashort wait, BofA sends back some xml, and on to the next page.Sometimes, though, BofA is slow and the students get impatient, clickingtwice or even more. They get charged each time they click.We have a warning that says, ''Click only once'' but students don''t heed it.Any ideas?推荐答案您可以在点击时禁用该按钮。或者你可以选择写代码 ,或者你下载相同的(如果有人这样做的话,那就是 你) 看看 http:// aspzone .com / archive / 2004/01/06 / 292.aspx i过去曾经使用它,效果很好。检查演示。如果你喜欢什么 你看到..下载项目编译它并使用oneclickbutton而不是 的普通按钮 - - 问候, 隐士戴夫 ( http://hdave.blogspot.com ) " Jim Bayers" < SP ** @ spamity.spam>在留言中写道 新闻:Xn ***************************** @ ...you can disable the button on click. either you can choose to write the codefor that or you download the same (if someone is kind enough to do it foryou)have a look at http://aspzone.com/archive/2004/01/06/292.aspxi have used it in past and it works great. Check the demo. if you like whatyou see.. download the project compile it and use the oneclickbutton insteadof normal button--Regards,Hermit Dave(http://hdave.blogspot.com)"Jim Bayers" <sp**@spamity.spam> wrote in messagenews:Xn*****************************@ ...我们需要阻止学生不止一次点击表格按钮。 我们有一份表格,学生可以填写他们的信用卡信息。他们点击,表单将xml中的数据发送到美国银行,等待短暂等待,美国银行发回一些xml,然后转到下一页。 有时候,美国银行是慢,学生不耐烦,点击两次甚至更多。他们每次点击都会收费。 我们有一个警告说,''只点击一次''但是学生们没有注意到它。 任何想法? We need to stop students from clicking on the form button more than once. We have a form that students fill out with their credit card information. They click, the form sends the data in xml to Bank of America, theres a short wait, BofA sends back some xml, and on to the next page. Sometimes, though, BofA is slow and the students get impatient, clicking twice or even more. They get charged each time they click. We have a warning that says, ''Click only once'' but students don''t heed it. Any ideas?>我们有一个警告说,''只点击一次''但是学生不注意它。 第一次点击,在你等待时立即将它们指向新页面对于 要返回的数据。 即使这样,你也会让一些人本能地双击。 最好的办法是编写代码来检查。记录第一次点击和 然后每次点击,检查是否已经在 中提交了具有相同数据的最后X秒。如果是这样,请忽略它。 -Darrel> We have a warning that says, ''Click only once'' but students don''t heed it.On the first click, immediately direct them to a new page while you wait forthe data to return.Even then, you''re going to get some folks that instinctively double-click.The best bet is to write code to check for that. Log the first click andthen on each click, check to see that there isn''t one already submitted inthe last X seconds with the same data. If so, ignore it.-Darrel这里有几个类似的技术来防止用户点击太多/> happy: http://aspzone.com/ articles / 207.aspx http://aspzone.com/archive/2004/01/06/292.aspx - 我希望这有帮助, Steve C. Orr,MCSD,MVP http://史蒂夫.Orr.net " Jim Bayers" < SP ** @ spamity.spam>在留言中写道 新闻:Xn ***************************** @ ...Here are a couple similar techniques to prevent users from getting too clickhappy: http://aspzone.com/articles/207.aspx http://aspzone.com/archive/2004/01/06/292.aspx--I hope this helps,Steve C. Orr, MCSD, MVP http://Steve.Orr.net"Jim Bayers" <sp**@spamity.spam> wrote in messagenews:Xn*****************************@ ...我们需要阻止学生不止一次点击表格按钮。 我们有一份表格,学生可以填写他们的信用卡信息。他们点击,表单将xml中的数据发送到美国银行,等待短暂等待,美国银行发回一些xml,然后转到下一页。 有时候,美国银行是慢,学生不耐烦,点击两次甚至更多。他们每次点击都会收费。 我们有一个警告说,''只点击一次''但是学生们没有注意到它。 任何想法? We need to stop students from clicking on the form button more than once. We have a form that students fill out with their credit card information. They click, the form sends the data in xml to Bank of America, theres a short wait, BofA sends back some xml, and on to the next page. Sometimes, though, BofA is slow and the students get impatient, clicking twice or even more. They get charged each time they click. We have a warning that says, ''Click only once'' but students don''t heed it. Any ideas? 这篇关于如何阻止学生点击两次的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-24 07:51