




I have a nested public class KeyCountMap

public KeyCountMap<T>
   private IDictionary<T, MutableInt> map = new Dictionary<T, MutableInt>();
   public KeyCountMap()
   { }

   public KeyCountMap(Type dictionaryType)
      if (!typeof(IDictionary<T, MutableInt>).IsAssignableFrom(dictionaryType))
         throw new ArgumentException("Type must be a IDictionary<T, MutableInt>", "dictionaryType");
      map = (IDictionary<T, MutableInt>)Activator.CreateInstance(_dictionaryType);

   public HashSet<KeyValuePair<T, MutableInt>> EntrySet()
      return map.ToSet();
   //... rest of the methods...


To sort out the values in map in descending order of values, if we use Java we can write method as:

public static <T> KeyCountMap<T> sortMapByDescendValue(KeyCountMap<T> map)
   List<Entry<T, MutableInt>> list = new LinkedList<>(map.entrySet());
   Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Entry<T, MutableInt>>()
      public int compare(Entry<T, MutableInt> o1, Entry<T, MutableInt> o2)
         return (-1) * (o1.getValue().get()).compareTo(o2.getValue().get());

   KeyCountMap<T> result = new KeyCountMap<T>();
   for (Entry<T, MutableInt> entry : list)
      result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
   return result;


If we use C#, we can defined method as:

public static KeyCountMap<T> SortMapByDescendValue<T>(KeyCountMap<T> map)
   List<KeyValuePair<T, MutableInt>> list = new List<KeyValuePair<T, MutableInt>>(map.EntrySet());
   // map.EntrySet() returns of type HashSet<KeyValuePair<T, MutableInt>>

   list = list.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).ToList();

   KeyCountMap<T> result = new KeyCountMap<T>();
   foreach (KeyValuePair<T, MutableInt> entry in list)
      result.Put(entry.Key, entry.Value);

   return result;

此方法是否正常工作,或者有必要覆盖 CompareTo()方法(这里不用)排序?

Will this method work or is it necessary to override CompareTo() method (not used here) for sorting?


public class MutableInt
   internal int _value = 1; // note that we start at 1 since we're counting

   public void Increment()

   public void Discrement()

   public int Get()
      return _value;



Dictionaries (hashtables) don't have an order. Trying to order a hashset by controlling the order of insertion just won't work. If you want ordering, don't use a dictionary as your backing store.


08-16 03:11