

本文介绍了你怎么称呼嵌套If ...然后搜索循环?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我写了一些文档,我想描述一个通用的代码结构 用于遍历集合中的所有项目(例如每个文件 in a子目录)同时应用越来越多的限制性过滤器,以便 只有所需的项目可以完全落下。这种方法非常明显且常见,它必须有一个名字。是什么或者至少是什么, 描述它的最佳(短)方式是什么? For each [file or whatever] in [some collection] ] 如果[测试1]那么 如果[测试2]那么 如果[测试3]那么 [发现] 结束如果 结束如果 结束如果 下一页I writing some documentation and I want to describe a common code structurewhich is used to step through all the items in a collection (e.g. each filein a subdirectory) while applying more and more restrictive filters so thatonly the desired items can fall all the way through. This method is soobvious and common it must have a name. What is it or at least, what is thebest (short) way to describe it?For Each [file or whatever] In [some collection]If [test 1] ThenIf [test 2] ThenIf [test 3] Then[Found it]End IfEnd IfEnd IfNext推荐答案 它通常被称为(SELECT)CASE结构。对于那些没有使用CASE的人来说,它被称为Nested-IFs,也称为Bad Programming。 B.It is usually called a (SELECT) CASE structure. For those who do notuse CASE, it is called "Nested-IFs", and also "Bad Programming".B. 它通常被称为(SELECT)CASE结构。对于那些没有使用CASE的人来说,它被称为Nested-IFs,也称为Bad Programming。 B.It is usually called a (SELECT) CASE structure. For those who do notuse CASE, it is called "Nested-IFs", and also "Bad Programming".B. 这篇关于你怎么称呼嵌套If ...然后搜索循环?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-16 03:06