




I had the following code as per this question&answer How do I get the MIME type of a file being requested in ASP.NET C#?and it was working perfectly fine:

    static MimeMappingWrapper()
        // dirty trick - Assembly.LoadWIthPartialName has been deprecated
        //Assembly ass = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName("System.Web");
        Assembly ass = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof (HttpApplication));
        Type mimeMappingType = ass.GetType("System.Web.MimeMapping");

        GetMimeMappingMethod = mimeMappingType.GetMethod("GetMimeMapping", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

现在mimeMappingType.GetMethod("GetMimeMapping", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)突然返回null.


What could be the reason? Nothing special was changed in the application and even if it was, how could it influence this constructor for the wrapper class?


我的猜测是服务器上安装的.NET Framework已升级,并且新版本下不再存在私有构造函数.

My guess would be that the .NET Framework installed on the server got upgraded, and the private constructor is no longer present under the new version.


Assembly developers (in this case, Microsoft) are allowed to change any private (or internal) types or members at their whim, without it being considered to have been a breaking change.

编辑:我在.NET 4.0下的PC上进行了检查,但该方法仍然存在.这是它的签名:

Edit: I checked on my PC under .NET 4.0, and the method is still present. This is its signature:

// System.Web.MimeMapping
internal static string GetMimeMapping(string FileName)


At this point, my two suggestions would be to check your actual .NET version at runtime…

var version = System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment.GetSystemVersion();


…and to enumerate the methods of the MimeMapping class to check whether they correspond to what you expect:

var methods = mimeMappingType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

更新:好消息是 MimeMapping 类及其 GetMimeMapping 方法似乎在.NET 4.5中将其公开.

Update: The good news is that the MimeMapping class and its GetMimeMapping method seem like they might be made public in .NET 4.5.


However, this means that your code would definitely break, since you’re only searching for NonPublic methods. Try performing an all-inclusive search instead and see whether GetMimeMapping shows up:

var methods = mimeMappingType.GetMethods(
    BindingFlags.Instance |
    BindingFlags.Static |
    BindingFlags.Public |
    BindingFlags.NonPublic |


08-16 02:57