

本文介绍了java - 使用基类实例在派生类中访问的受保护成员的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I created instance of base class in derived class and tried to access protected members.


I can directly access protected members in a derived class without instantiating the base class.


package com.core;

public class MyCollection {

      protected Integer intg;

同一个包中的派生类 -

A derived class in the same package -

package com.core;

public class MyCollection3 extends MyCollection {

 public void test(){

  MyCollection mc = new MyCollection();
  mc.intg=1; // Works

不同包中的派生类 -

A derived class in a different package -

package secondary;

import com.core.MyCollection;

public class MyCollection2 extends MyCollection{

 public void test(){
  MyCollection mc = new MyCollection();
  mc.intg = 1; //!!! compile time error - change visibility of "intg" to protected


How it is possible to access a protected member of a base class in a derived class using instance of base class when derived class is also in same package but not when derived class is in different package?


If I mark protected member as "static" then I am able to access protected member of base class using instance of base class in a derived class which resides in a different package.



You're right that you can't do this. The reason why you can't access the field, is that you're not in the same package as the class, nor are you accessing an inherited member of the same class.

最后一点是关键点 - 如果你写了

The last point is the critical one - if you'd written

MyCollection2 mc = new MyCollection2();
mc.intg = 1;

然后这会有效,因为你正在改变你自己的受保护成员 class(通过继承存在于该类中)。但是,在您的情况下,您尝试在其他包中更改不同类的受保护成员。因此,您被拒绝访问也就不足为奇了。

then this would work, as you're changing a protected member of your own class (which is present in that class through inheritance). However, in your case you're trying to change a protected member of a different class in a different package. Thus it should come as no surprise that you're denied access.

这篇关于java - 使用基类实例在派生类中访问的受保护成员的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-16 02:50