本文介绍了使用表单验证:为什么onsubmit =" return functionname()"而不是onsubmit =" functionname()"?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



The question is pretty self-explanatory. I don't understand what the return is doing in the following code:

<form onsubmit="return somefunction()">


您需要返回以便传递true / false直到表单的提交事件(查找此事件并在出现错误时阻止提交)。

You need the return so the true/false gets passed up to the form's submit event (which looks for this and prevents submission if it gets a false).


Lets look at some standard JS:

function testReturn() { return false; }


If you just call that within any other code (be it an onclick handler or in JS elsewhere) it will get back false, but you need to do something with that value.



In that example the return value is coming back, but nothing is happening with it. You're basically saying execute this function, and I don't care what it returns. In contrast if you do this:

var wasSuccessful = testReturn();


then you've done something with the return value.


The same applies to onclick handlers. If you just call the function without the return in the onsubmit, then you're saying "execute this, but don't prevent the event if it return false." It's a way of saying execute this code when the form is submitted, but don't let it stop the event.


Once you add the return, you're saying that what you're calling should determine if the event (submit) should continue.

此逻辑适用于HTML中的许多onXXXX事件(onclick,onsubmit,onfocus等) )。

This logic applies to many of the onXXXX events in HTML (onclick, onsubmit, onfocus, etc).

这篇关于使用表单验证:为什么onsubmit =&quot; return functionname()&quot;而不是onsubmit =&quot; functionname()&quot;?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-16 02:13