


I am planning on running a script located on an EC2 instance in us-east-1d.


The script basically pulls in images from a few different places and will throw them into an S3 bucket in the US-Standard Region.

由于没有办法直接上传到S3存储(通过发送使S3从远程URL抓取文件as写到这里的,我不认为这种情况已经改变),我想请确保当写入S3(即每个图像我保存为我的EC2临时文件不会造成额外的带宽费用。叶亚马逊数据中心)。将一个美国东部-1D EC2实例上传到美国标准S3存储将在同一AWS区域内进行通信?

Since there is no way to upload directly into an s3 bucket (by sending an API request that causes S3 to fetch a file from a remote URL as written about here and I don't think this has changed) I would like to make sure that the each image I save as temp file on my ec2 will not result in additional bandwidth charges when written to S3 (ie. leaves the Amazon data center). Will a us-east-1d EC2 instance uploading to a US-Standard S3 bucket will be communicating within the same AWS region?

任何洞察到这将是极大的pciated AP $ P $因为这将是TB的数据,我在有限的斗,我想知道,然后再继续。

Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated as it will be terabytes of data and I'm on a shoestring bucket I'd like to know before proceeding.



根据 S3定价常见问题解答

有亚马逊之间传输的数据没有数据传输费用  在同一区域或传输的数据EC2和Amazon S3的  在Amazon EC2弗吉尼亚州北部地区和Amazon S3的美国之间  标准区域。

这将意味着,如果您的实例是在任何美国东1 锆刚玉和你的水桶是在美国标准地区之间的数据的任何移​​动2应该增加任何成本。

This will mean that if your instance is in any of the us-east-1 AZs and your bucket is in the US Standard region, any movement of data between the 2 should cost nothing.

另外,根据你的使用情况,您可能想看看新的 AWS SDK对JavaScript的浏览器,因为它可以提供你正在寻找的直接到S3上传。

Also, depending on your use case, you may want to look at the new AWS SDK for JavaScript in the Browser as it may offer the direct to S3 uploads you're looking for.


08-16 02:13