




I apologize if this is a subjective or repeated question. It's sort of awkward to search for, so I wasn't sure what terms to include.

我想知道什么是基本的基础工具/功能在C时不包括标准库,例如 STDIO STDLIB

What I'd like to know is what the basic foundation tools/functions are in C when you don't include standard libraries like stdio and stdlib.

我能做的,如果没有的printf() fopen()函数,等?

What could I do if there's no printf(), fopen(), etc?


Also, are those libraries technically part of the "C" language, or are they just very useful and effectively essential libraries?



The C standard has this to say (


- 在序列点,挥发物

— At sequence points, volatile objects are stable in the sense that previous accesses are complete and subsequent accesses have not yet occurred.

- 在程序终止,所有的数据

— At program termination, all data written into files shall be identical to the result that execution of the program according to the abstract semantics would have produced.

- 的输入和输出的动态

— The input and output dynamics of interactive devices shall take place as specified in 7.19.3.

因此​​,如果没有标准库函数,一个程序保证具有唯一的行为,涉及挥发性对象的值,因为你不能使用任何的担保文件访问或交互设备。 纯C只能通过标准库函数提供了互动。

So, without the standard library functions, the only behavior that a program is guaranteed to have, relates to the values of volatile objects, because you can't use any of the guaranteed file access or "interactive devices". "Pure C" only provides interaction via standard library functions.


Pure C isn't the whole story, though, since your hardware could have certain addresses which do certain things when read or written (whether that be a SATA or PCI bus, raw video memory, a serial port, something to go beep, or a flashing LED). So, knowing something about your hardware, you can do a whole lot writing in C without using standard library functions. Potentially, you could implement the C standard library, although this might require access to special CPU instructions as well as special memory addresses.

但在纯C,没有扩展名,并取消了标准库函数,你基本上不会比读取命令行参数,做了一些工作,并从<$ C返回一个状态code做的任何其他$ C>主。这不是在,它仍然图灵完整受到资源限制被​​嗅探,虽然你的唯一资源是自动和静态变量,没有堆分配。这不是一个很丰富的编程环境。

But in pure C, with no extensions, and the standard library functions removed, you basically can't do anything other than read the command line arguments, do some work, and return a status code from main. That's not to be sniffed at, it's still Turing complete subject to resource limits, although your only resource is automatic and static variables, no heap allocation. It's not a very rich programming environment.


The standard libraries are part of the C language specification, but in any language there does tend to be a line drawn between the language "as such", and the libraries. It's a conceptual difference, but ultimately not a very important one in principle, because the standard says they come together. Anyone doing something non-standard could just as easily remove language features as libraries. Either way, the result is not a conforming implementation of C.

请注意,一个独立的实施的C只有实现标准的一个子集,包括不包括任何的I / O,让你的位置是我上面描述依靠特定硬件的扩展来获得的,什么有趣的事做。如果你想绘制基于标准的核心语言和库之间的区别,那么这可能是拿捏的好地方。

Note that a "freestanding" implementation of C only has to implement a subset of standard includes not including any of the I/O, so you're in the position I described above, of relying on hardware-specific extensions to get anything interesting done. If you want to draw a distinction between the "core language" and "the libraries" based on the standard, then that might be a good place to draw the line.


08-16 02:07