




When running this in batch, I get a "( was unexpected at this time" error. Why? I have quotes surrounding both the variable and what the variable is equal to. There's a space after y, and then parentheses.

echo Would you like to update and restore to the latest OS? (-l -e) (Y/N)

set /p latestOS= ""

if "%latestOS%"=="y" (

echo Restoring...make sure your device is plugged in!

\idevicerestore\idevicerestore -l -e

echo Done.

timeout /t 2 /nobreak > NUL

) else (

    echo Okay. Where is the IPSW located? EX: C:\memez.ipsw

    set /p IPSWlocid= ""

    echo Alright. Is it a custom IPSW? Note that the device must be vulnerable to limera1n. (-c) (Y/N)

    set /p IPSWiscustomid= ""

    rem more stuff soon



在if LatestOS行中失败.

It fails at the if latestOS line.



When you have a code block (that's code inside of parentheses), batch considers the first unescaped ) to be the end of that block, regardless of where in the code block it is located.


The second echo inside of your else block is breaking your code. To fix it, use ^ to escape both of the )s.

echo Alright. Is it a custom IPSW? Note that the device must be vulnerable to limera1n. (-c^) (Y/N^)


08-16 02:04