本文介绍了将c ++运算符翻译成VB.NET的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我对c ++运算符不是很熟练,所以我需要一些从c ++到vb.net的翻译帮助。

原始c ++代码是

Hi everyone,

I'm not very skilled with c++ operators, so I need some help with a translation from c++ to vb.net.

Original c++ code is

byte[] Dec = new byte[Enc.Length];
Dec[0] = Enc[0]; //Packet length
Dec[1] = (byte)((~Enc[1]) ^ 0x89);
int j;
for (j = 2; j < Dec[0]; j++)
    Dec[j] = (byte)((Enc[j-1] + 0xdc) ^ Enc[j]);
Dec[j] = (byte)(Enc[j] ^ Dec[2]);


Somewhere else I found this snippet as an alternative:

dec[0] = enc[0];
dec[1] = (~enc[1]) ^ 0x89;
for (l=2; l < n-3; l++) dec[l] = (enc[l-1] + 0xdc) ^ enc[l];
dec[l] = enc[l] ^ dec[2];


My translation try was

Public Function TextStringToByteArray(ByRef str As String) As Byte()
    Dim enc As System.Text.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default

    Return enc.GetBytes(str)
End Function
Public Function ByteArrayToTextString(ByRef Barr() As Byte) As String
    Dim enc As System.Text.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default

    Return enc.GetString(Barr)
End Function

Private Function DecodePacket(ByVal Data As String) As String
    Dim dec(Data.Length) As Byte
    Dim enc() As Byte = TextStringToByteArray(Data)

    dec(0) = enc(0)                                     'dec[0] = enc[0];
    dec(1) = (Not enc(1)) ^ Hex(89)                     'dec[1] = (~enc[1]) ^ 0x89;

    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 2 To i < Data.Length - 3                    'for (l=2; l < n-3; l++)
        dec(i) = (enc(i - 1) + Hex("dc")) ^ enc(i)      'dec[l] = (enc[l-1] + 0xdc) ^ enc[l];

    dec(i) = enc(i) ^ dec(2)                            'dec[l] = enc[l] ^ dec[2];

    Return ByteArrayToTextString(dec)
End Function






But using the code results in an arithmetic overflow.
Because the code does some simple decoding of a byte stream (and I do not know what is in the original byte stream yet), I can not verify if the overflow comes up because the decoding / code translation is wrong or because there is some problem with the streamed data itself.

Anyone who can confirm that my translation is correct?

Thank you very much in advance


  1. 在Visual Studio中创建C ++ / CLI(纯托管)项目,并将您的代码片段置于其中一个托管(ref)类型中: struct
  2. 构建此代码并在输出中获取.NET程序集。
  3. 下载开源ILSpy。您甚至可以自己构建它:


    [] 。

  4. 在ILSpy中打开C ++ / CLI程序集并在输出时生成VB.NET代码。您不必翻译整个程序集。或者,您可以浏览它,只选择您需要的方法,并将其翻译成您需要的语言。您可以选择IL,C#和VB.NET之间的输出语言。
  5. 利润!
  1. Create a C++/CLI (purely managed) project in Visual Studio and put your fragment of code in one of the managed ("ref") types: a class or struct.
  2. Build this code and obtain a .NET assembly on output.
  3. Download open-source ILSpy. You can even build it yourself:
  4. Open your C++/CLI assembly in ILSpy and generated VB.NET code on output. You don't have to translate the whole assembly. Alternatively, you can browse it, choose only the method you need and see its translation into the language you need. You choose output language between IL, C# and VB.NET.
  5. PROFIT!



dec(1) = (Not enc(1)) ^ Hex(89)                     'dec[1] = (~enc[1]) ^ 0x89;
    dec(i) = (enc(i - 1) + Hex("dc")) ^ enc(i)      'dec[l] = (enc[l-1] + 0xdc) ^ enc[l];
dec(i) = enc(i) ^ dec(2)                            'dec[l] = enc[l] ^ dec[2];

因为VB中的C Xor运算符'^'意味着...的功率...




because the C Xor operator '^' in VB means power of...

But I think there is also a very basic error: you consider your input stream as a string.
Using System.Text.Encoding.Default you make a conversion based on the current codepage, but if your stream is a binary one you'll get wrong data (System.Text.Encoding masks MSB bit or alterate other way the values).
You should code your program more or less as:

Public Function DecodeBytePacket(Enc As Byte()) As Byte()
    Dim Dec As Byte() = New Byte(Enc.Length) {}
    Dec(0) = Enc(0)
    Dec(1) = (Not Enc(1) Xor 137)
    Dim i As Integer
    i = 2
    While i < CInt(Dec(0))
        Dec(i) = Convert.ToByte(((Convert.ToUInt32(Enc(i - 1)) + 220) Xor Convert.ToUInt32(Enc(i))) And 255)
        i = i + 1
    End While
    Dec(i) = (Enc(i) Xor Dec(2))
    DecodeBytePacket = Dec
End Function


reviewed and checked the output of this routine is the same of the C version.

这篇关于将c ++运算符翻译成VB.NET的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-16 00:49