





  1. 查找 IP地址,,例如。这是请求来自的位置,即,如果一个美国人在意大利度假并使用瑞典VPN,它将返回瑞典


  1. 查找准确的位置使用。使用瑞典VPN在意大利度假的美国人将注册为意大利。


  1. 查看标头(或在服务器的帮助下),并提取语言环境信息。使用瑞典VPN在意大利度假的美国人将注册为美国。

缺点是,此设置非常容易更改。例如,世界各地讲英语的人可能更喜欢 zh-CN 设置,以避免使用机器翻译的文本。在现代浏览器上(截至目前,尚未编写IE / Edge,而仅使用Safari 11+),您也可以请求。

  1. navigator.languages 标头的第一个元素。 navigator.languages的所有注意事项都适用。最重要的是,有时这些信息可能只是没有任何语言环境的语言(即 en 而不是 en-US )。

  2. 使用其他第三方服务。例如,如果用户通过单点登录系统(如Facebook connect)登录,则可以请求用户的家乡。此信息通常非常不可靠,并且需要第三方。

I found the following website can detect my country and currency even in the private mode


It records in cookie, How do it do that?

Is that possible fulfill in client site ? navigator?


There are multiple options to determine the locale. In descending order of usefulness, these are:

  1. Look up the IP address, with an IP geolocation service like Maxmind GeoIP. This is the location the request is coming from, i.e. if an American vacations in Italy and uses a Swedish VPN, it will return Sweden.

It can only be done with the help of the server. The main advantage is that it's very reliable. The accuracy will be country or region for free services, city or region for paid ones.

  1. Look up the precise location on Earth from the browser with the geolocation API. An American vacationing in Italy using a Swedish VPN will register as Italy.

The answer will be very precise, usually no more than 10m off. In principle, it could work client-side, although you may want to perform the coordinate -> country lookup on the server. The main disadvantages are that not all devices have either GPS or WiFi position, and that it generally requires explicit user consent.

  1. Look in the Accept-Language header on the server (or with the help of the server), and extract the locale information. An American vacationing in Italy using a Swedish VPN will register as USA.

The downside is that this is a setting that's extremely easy to change. For instance, English speakers around the world may prefer en-US settings in order to avoid machine-translated text. On modern browsers (as of writing not IE/Edge, and only Safari 11+), you can also request navigator.languages.

  1. navigator.language is the first element of the navigator.languages header. All of the considerations of navigator.languages apply. On top, this information can sometimes be just the language without any locale (i.e. en instead of en-US).

  2. Use another, third-party service. For instance, if the user signs in via a Single-Sign-On system such Facebook connect, you can request the hometown of the user. This information is typically very unreliable, and requires a third party.


08-16 00:20