

在 webpack 中我使用 mini-css-extract-plugin:

In webpack I am using mini-css-extract-plugin:

plugins: [
  new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
    filename: '[name].[hash].css',
    chunkFilename: '[name].[hash].css',

块文件中加载 scss 文件:

To load scss files in chunk files:

  test: /\.scss$/,
  use: [
    { loader: MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, options: {
        hmr: isdev,
        reloadAll: true

当我使用动态导入加载 scss 时:

When I load a scss with an dynamic import:

import(/* webpackChunkName: "test" */ 'test.scss')


It will generate a test.[hash].css containing the styles and a test.[hash].js:

(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[15],{

/***/ 81:
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin

/***/ })



我想尽量减少延迟和加载的文件,因此我发现拥有一个几乎为空的 test.[hash].js 文件是多余的.

你有没有办法在js文件中包含scss(见idea 1)或者不发出/使用几乎空的js文件?

Do you have a way to either include the scss in the js file (see Idea 1) or to not emit/use the nearly empty js file?

我的第一个想法是不使用 mini-css-extract-plugin 来动态导入 scss,但这会在 js 中包含很多 css-base 的东西(https://github.com/webpack-contrib/extract-text-webpack-plugin/issues/255).

My first idea was not using mini-css-extract-plugin for dynamic imported scss, but this will include a lot css-base stuff in the js (https://github.com/webpack-contrib/extract-text-webpack-plugin/issues/255).



Here is an extract of code that could interrest you. It's coded in live here, so there is maybe some error I don't know.


I use an alternative way but nearby inside my own project.


  1. 使用事件挂钩插件并在 webpack 完成后调用它
  2. 遍历每个文件
  3. 如果文件是 css 并且与 js 扩展名相同
  4. 然后删除js文件

  1. Use the Event Hook Plugin and call it when the webpack is done
  2. Loop through each file
  3. If file is css and have the same name as with js extension
  4. Then remove the js file

const EventHooksPlugin = require('event-hooks-webpack-plugin');
const path             = require('path');
const fs               = require('fs');
const _                = require('underscore');

plugins: [
    new EventHooksPlugin({
            done: () => {
                    const publicDir = __dirname + '/public';
                    const files     = fs.readdirSync(publicDir);

                    _.each(files, file => {
                          if (path.extname(file) !== '.css') { return ;}

                          const fileJs = file.replace('.css', '.js');

                          if (!fs.existsSync(fileJs)) {return;}



08-16 00:19