我想知道如何通过比较两个二进制文件来为差异文件创建PATCH.$ cmp -l>输出文件名
I want to know how to create a PATCH for the difference file I got by comparing two binary files.$cmp -l > output file name
我检查了文本文件'diff'可用于比较和生成PATCH文件$ diff -u oldFile newFile> mods.diff#-u告诉diff输出统一的diff格式
I checked for text files 'diff" can be used to compare and generate a PATCH file$ diff -u oldFile newFile > mods.diff # -u tells diff to output unified diff format
I want to apply the PATCH on the old binary image file to get my new binary image file.
Diff和Patch设计用于文本文件,而不是任意二进制数据.您应该改用 bsdiff 之类的东西.
Diff and Patch are designed to work with text files, not arbitrary binary data. You should use something like bsdiff instead.