



在 Google Chrome 中加载我的页面时,我在控制台中收到一个模糊的错误:

When loading my page in Google Chrome, I get a vague error in the console:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input


I have no idea what is causing it. How would I go about debugging this error?


这个特殊的错误是关于 v8.在大多数情况下,您的 JavaScript 以某种方式损坏.例如缺少 } 或类似的东西.

This particular error is one annoying fact about v8. In most cases your JavaScript is broken in some way. For example missing a } or something like that.


Example given, this will yield "Unexpected end of input" too:

eval('[{"test": 4}') // notice the missing ]

但问题的根本原因似乎是请求的 JSON url 具有 text/htmlContent-Type,Chrome 显然试图将其解析为 HTML,由于正在解析包含的图像标签,这会导致输入意外结束.

But the root cause of the problems seems to be that the requested JSON url has a Content-Type of text/html which Chrome apparently tries to parse as HTML, which then results in the unexpected end of input due to the fact that the included image tags are being parsed.

尝试将 Content-Type 设置为 text/plain 我认为它应该可以解决问题.

Try setting the Content-Type to text/plain I think it should fix the issues.

尽管如此,V8 可以更好地告诉人们输入意外结束的哪里.

Nonetheless, V8 could do a better Job about telling one exactly where the input ended unexpectedly.


08-16 00:13