I'm trying to run the following command:
find . -iname '.#*' -print0 | xargs -0 -L 1 foobar
where "foobar" is an alias or function defined in my .bashrc file (in my case, it's a function that takes one parameter). Apparently xargs doesn't recognize these as things it can run. Is there a clever way to remedy this?
Since only your interactive shell knows about aliases, why not just run the alias without forking out through xargs
find . -iname '.#*' -print0 | while read -r -d '' i; do foobar "$i"; done
If you're sure that your filenames don't have newlines in them (ick, why would they?), you can simplify this to
find . -iname '.#*' -print | while read -r i; do foobar "$i"; done
甚至只是找到-iname'#*。| ...
键,默认操作是 -print
or even just find -iname '.#*' | ...
, since the default directory is .
and the default action is -print
IFS=$'\n'; for i in `find -iname '.#*'`; do foobar "$i"; done
告诉巴什说的话只在新行拆分(默认值: IFS = $'\\ t \\ n'
)。你应该小心,虽然;某些脚本不应付好一个改变 $ IFS
telling Bash that words are only split on newlines (default: IFS=$' \t\n'
). You should be careful with this, though; some scripts don't cope well with a changed $IFS