

在执行 git svn rebase 时解决冲突的最佳方法是什么,并且您所在的git分支变成(no-branch)?您可以使用 git mergetool 查看和编辑通常的冲突时尚。一旦你确定冲突得到解决,你可以做 git rebase --continue 来继续rebase,或者如果你不想包含那个版本的话,可以做 git rebase --skip

What is the best way to resolve a conflict when doing a git svn rebase, and the git branch you are on becomes "(no-branch)"?


You can use git mergetool to view and edit the conflicts in the usual fashion. Once you are sure the conflicts are resolved do git rebase --continue to continue the rebase, or if you don't want to include that revision do git rebase --skip


08-15 23:18