



以及球员之前,我试着写这篇文章,请放心,我在所有Chrome / Firefox和IE浏览器尝试onbeforeunload事件,它是在IE和Firefox工作正常,但在Chrome中失败了。

well guys before i tried to write this post, please be assured that i tried onbeforeunload event in all chrome / firefox and IE, it is working fine in both IE and Firefox but failing in chrome.


I however in one instance noticed that i am able to make an ajax call async set to false, but that didnt work fine for a cross site ajax call.


to give a background on what i am trying to do ... i am trying to build a record and playback js engine for automation testing using jquery and i am using $.ajax for callbacks.



what i am doing is, capturing all the events on the client side and posting back to server onbeforeunload event, i finally succeeded with IE and FF by opening up a modal window on before unload and close it after save.


have anyone really succeeded with onbeforeunload cross browser / cross site , if yes please help me out.


onbeforeunload 事件的事情是,为时已晚张贴任何东西在服务器当前窗口。引发事件,即浏览器即将加载新页面的动作,已经决定接下来要加载的页面。

The thing with the onbeforeunload event is that it's too late to post anything back to the server in the current window. The action that caused the event, i.e. that the browser is about to load a new page, has already decided what page to load next.


The exact behaviour of the browser when handling this event may vary, as it wasn't even in any standard until HTML5.


If you want to send anything to the server from the event, you have to open a new window and post from that, or make an AJAX call. It's a fire-and-forget though, as you can't wait for any response.

我会说,你不应该依赖于 onbeforeunload 来可靠地工作,所以你不应该围绕它建立的架构。

I would say that you should not rely on the onbeforeunload to work reliably, so you shouldn't build your architecture around it.


08-15 23:00