

根据文档,与 dlsym 来加载库,并获得指向符号的指针。

According to the doc, dlopen is used in conjunction with dlsym to load a library, and get a pointer to a symbol.


But that's already what the dynamic loader/linker does.Moreover, both methods are based on ld.so.

使用 dlopen 似乎实际上有两个区别:

There actually seems to be two differences when using dlopen:

  1. 可以有条件地加载该库。

  2. 编译器不知道我们使用的符号(类型,原型...),因此不会检查潜在的错误。

但是,它似乎并没有激发使用 dlopen 超过标准加载,除了边际示例:

But, it does not seem to motivate the use of dlopen over standard loading, except for marginal examples:

  1. 条件加载实际上并不是很有趣共享库已被另一个程序使用的情况下优化内存占用量的方法:加载已使用的库并不会增加内存占用量。编写错误...我们还缺少潜在的编译器优化。

因此,还有其他用途,其中 dlopen ?

So, are there other uses where dlopen is prefered over the standard dynamic linking/loading?


使用<$的典型用例c $ c> dlopen 是

  • 插件

  • 选择当前CPU的最佳实现方式(英特尔数学库可以这样做)

  • 选择不同供应商的API实现(GLEW

  • 如果不太可能使用共享库,则延迟加载(这将加快启动速度,因为库构造函数无法运行,而运行时链接程序的工作量会稍少)

  • plugins
  • selecting optimal implementation for current CPU (Intel math libraries do this)
  • select implementation of API by different vendors (GLEW and other OpenGL wrappers do this)
  • delay loading of shared library if it's unlikely to be used (this would speed up startup because library constructors won't run + runtime linker would have slightly less work to do)

是的,但是您可以通过提供一些延迟加载共享库周围的包装器库。在Windows上,这是通过标准工具( DLL导入库的谷歌工具)完成的,在Linux上,您可以手动完成此操作,也可以使用。

That's true but you can have best of both worlds by providing a small wrapper library around delay loaded shared library. On Windows this is done by standard tools (google for "DLL import libraries"), on Linux you can do it by hand or use Implib.so.


09-11 02:25