




Are pending asynchronous operations are precious resource that should be used sparingly?


I have a slew of connected TcpClients that I'm not expecting input from, but just in case one is misbehaving, I need to keep the input buffers empty. If I have a BeginRead() for each connected client that just stays open indefinitely, is there any harm? The callback will be called when the client is eventually closed and I can just return out of it if !asyncResult.IsCompleted.


I wouldn't know how many bytes to begin reading, though I believe I could share one buffer. Input up to that buffer limit could just sit in the stream, unread. Is there a better way to efficiently discard, disallow, or WAIT on the availability of data in a stream?


Otherwise I need to poll for data available.




It depends on the operating system that you're running on...

一个悬而未决的recv会使用一些非分页池,这将导致被锁定I / O的一些页面的内存。

A pending recv will use some non-paged pool and it will cause some pages of memory to be locked for I/O.

在Windows Vista之前,非分页池是pretty的恐慌,这是一个计算机范围的商品从而导致设计不当的驱动,如果它运行崩溃...所以在pre-Vista操作系统的你可能会得到ENOBUFS从底层重叠I / O系统由于缺乏非分页池错误。在这里看到: HTTP:// WWW。 对非分页池限制一些更多的细节。

Prior to windows Vista, non-paged pool was pretty scare, and it's a machine wide commodity which can cause poorly designed drivers to crash if it runs out... So on pre-Vista OS's you may get 'ENOBUFS' errors from the underlying overlapped I/O system due to lack of non-paged pool. See here: for some more details on the non-paged pool limits.

这是用来给悬而未决的recv其他资源是内存中的一个或多个页面被锁定的I / O,而操作挂起。还有最重要的是可以锁定,因此,再一次,你可能会得到来自底层的I / O系统中的ENOBUFS在某些情况下页面的数量是有限的限制。

The other resource that is used by a pending recv is one or more pages of memory are locked for i/o whilst the operation is pending. There's a finite limit on the number of pages that CAN be locked and so, once again, you might get an 'ENOBUFS' from the underlying I/O system in certain circumstances.


Of course it depends on how many connections you have as to whether these limits affect you or not.

处理锁定I / O页面的标准方式限制在非托管code是后零字节读取,即读取具有缓冲这实际上是0字节长。这意味着,没有缓冲空间被锁定,同时读取正在等待它完成时,你只需发布一个正常的读或读同步。

The 'standard' way of dealing with the locked I/O pages limit in unmanaged code is to post zero byte reads, that is reads which have buffers which are actually 0 bytes long. This means that no buffer space is locked whilst the read is pending and when it completes you simply post a normal read, or read synchronously.


08-15 22:31