

关于清单1 ,要求类型级别的公理

With respect Listing 1, it is required that the type level axiom

(t a) = (t (getUI(t a)))


should derivable as a theorem for every specific type class instance.

test函数的编译是否证明类型级公理对于程序中的特定类型成立?汇编是否提供了免费的定理!的示例! ?

Does the compilation of the test function prove the type level axiom holds for the particular types in the program? Does the compilation provide an example of Theorems for free!?


{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
data Continuant a = Continuant a  deriving (Show,Eq)

class UI a where

instance UI Int where

class Category t a where
   getUI :: (UI a) => (t a) -> a

 instance Category Continuant Int where
    getUI (Continuant a) = a

 -- axiom (t a) = (t (getUI(t a))) holds for given types?
 test :: Int -> Bool
 test x =  (Continuant x) == (Continuant (getUI (Continuant x)))


该代码基于 /p>

The code is based on a paper where it is stated:

清单1 是我的证明尝试.根据解决方案1,也许我错误地认为这需要定理免费!

Listing 1 was my attempt at a proof. In the light of Solution 1, perhaps I mistakenly thought this required Theorems for free!



No, the fact that it's a class gives you far too much leeway for the type alone to guarantee that axiom. For example, the following alternate instance typechecks but violates your axiom:

instance Category Continuant Int where
    getUI _ = 42


(Being completely explicit, our adversary could choose for example t=Continuant and a=6*9 to violate the axiom.) This abuses the fact that the class instantiator gets to choose the contained type. We can remove that ability by removing that argument to the class:

class Category t where
    getUI :: UI a => t a -> a


Alas, even this is not enough. We can write

data Pair a = Pair a a

然后自由定理告诉我们,对于instance Category Pair,我们必须编写以下两个定义之一:

and then the free theorem tells us that for instance Category Pair, we must write one of the following two definitions:

getUI (Pair x y) = x
-- OR
getUI (Pair x y) = y


Whichever we choose, our adversary can choose a t which shows us that our axiom is wrong.

Our choice                 Adversary's choice
getUI (Pair x y) = x       t y = Pair 42 y; a = 6*9
getUI (Pair x y) = y       t x = Pair x 42; a = 6*9


Okay, this abuses the fact that the class instantiator gets to choose t. What if we removed that ability...?

class Category where
    getUI :: UI a => t a -> a


This restricts the instantiator of Category quite a lot. Too much, in fact: getUI can't be implemented except as an infinite loop or the like.


I suspect it will be very difficult to encode the axiom you wish for as a type which can only be inhabited by things that satisfy it.


08-15 22:25