



int factorial(int x)
 int i;
 for(i=1; i < x; i++)
   x *= i;
 return x;


they gave an example of:

int a=5, b;
b = factorial(a);





将a的值替换为 x * =我



and said: "At the end of this short program, the variable b will contain 120, since the factorial function will be called with the argument of 5 and will return 120."

Can some one explain how b is 120?
Can you also help me read the code?
What do they mean by " factorial(a) " ?
Did the substitute the value of a into " x *= i " ?

What I have tried:

Nothing, i was just reading a book about it and i don't understand.


int factorial(int x)
 int i;
 for(i=1, i < x, i++) // set i to the value 1, while i is less than x
   x *= i;            // multiply x by the value of i [1 .. x-1]
                      // add 1 to i and repeat.

 return x;            // return the calculated value of x
// so if x starts at 5
// it becomes x * 1 ... 5   ... i starts at 1, x starts at 5
//            x * 2 ... 10  ... i is now 2 so the loop will have another 7
//                              iterations to perform
//            x * 3 ... 30  ... but i is now 3 so it will have another 26
//            x * 4 ... 120 ... i is now 4 and x is 120, so the loop will never terminate


The factorial function is just a mathematical feature.

1!                          == 1
2! == 1 * 2                 == 2
3! == 1 * 2 * 3             == 6
4! == 1 * 2 * 3 * 4         == 24
5! == 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5     == 120
6! == 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 == 720

你的代码中有一个函数,它传递一个数字(在一个名为 x )并返回该数字的因子,通过使用一个简单的循环来进行乘法。 (好吧,你会,如果那会编译 - for 循环使用分号,而不是逗号 - 如果它能正常工作 - 它不会:算法错误地实现了)

因此,当您修复 factorial 函数时,您可以在其中使用它的名称来调用它代码:

What you have in your code is a function which is passed a number (in a variable called x) and which returns the Factorial of that number, by using a simple loop to do the multiplication. (Well, you would, if that would compile - for loops use semicolons, not commas - and if it would work correctly if it did - which it won't: the algorithm is wrongly implemented)

So when you fix the factorial function you can call it by using it's name in your code:

b = factorial(a);

这会导致代码分支到阶乘函数,复制值在 a 进入 x 时到达那里,然后返回原始代码并将值放入阶乘返回(通过 return 语句)到变量 b


and that causes your code to "branch off" to the factorial function, copying the value in a into x when it gets there, then "comes back" to the original code and puts the value that factorial returned (via the return statement) into the variable b

It's like having a list of bits of text you post often to save you typing them out each time: you keep them in Notepad and when you want to post one, you copy it from Notepad and paste it into your browser. Each text fragment is a function and copy'n'paste is "calling" it into your post. Make sense?


08-15 22:10