

本文介绍了关于真实C/C ++代码的优秀示例的建议的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想学习一些不错的C/C ++代码.该代码应:

I'd like to study some good C/C++ code. The code should:

  1. 在样式和结构上保持良好,展示最佳做法
  2. 成为现实生活中的程序(而不是示例或玩具)
  3. 不太大,因此分析起来不需要花费很多时间
  4. Windows和/或Unix


I know there are 1000s of open source projects out there. But I'd like to hear your suggestions.

我是Java程序员,我很好奇c/c ++中的好项目的结构(文件),类/函数/文件的粒度,文档/注释,构建工具等.

I am Java programmer and I am curious how good project in c/c++ is structured (files), granularity of classes/functions/files, documentation/comments, build tools etc.


Multiple suggestions are welcomed e.g. this is good windows example, that is good pure C etc.


我要特别提及 memcached.这是一个简短而易读的代码,目的明确的一个很好的例子.

I would specifically mention memcached. It's a great example of fairly short, readable code with a clear purpose.

第二,我建议使用 Apache Web服务器.这是一个运行良好的开源项目,您将从中学到很多有关语言,通用设计实践和网络/线程的知识.

Second, I would recommend the Apache web server. It's a fantastically well-run open source project that you'll learn a lot from, both about the language, as well as general design practices and networking/threading.

这篇关于关于真实C/C ++代码的优秀示例的建议的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 21:47