在蒂姆·布雷最新的Android 博客文章他提到的仪表板用户界面模式(被用于Twitter的应用程序,Facebook应用程序,等等。这是布局简单,只要用按钮的GridView控件或者是其他什么东西?
In Tim Bray's latest Android blog post he mentions the "dashboard" ui pattern (what is used for the Twitter app, Facebook app, etc. Is this layout as simple as a GridView with Buttons or is it something else?
借助 DashboardLayout 是由罗马Nurik昨晚公布。它是在谷歌的IO 2010的应用程序中使用的布局的衍生物。
The DashboardLayout was released by Roman Nurik last night. It is a derivative of the layout used in the Google IO 2010 app.
您可以使用的最好的例子是从谷歌I / O 2011 Android应用程序。他们实现他们的应用程序所有的设计模式。您可以通过以下链接找到code:
The best example you can use is from the Google I/O 2011 Android App. They implement all those design patterns in their app. You can find the code at the following link:
The 2011 version uses a custom layout called 'DashboardLayout' in a fragment which gets shared in phone and tablet specific layouts. The logic in DashboardLayout is responsible for all the auto layout magic!