


A type selector matches the name of a document language element type. A type selector matches every instance of the element type in the document tree. For example:

/* The following rule matches all H1 elements
   in the document tree:  */
h1 { font-family: sans-serif; }

这是 ID选择的基于其独特的标识符匹配的元素实例。

An ID selector matches an element instance based on its unique identifier.

/* The following rule matches the element whose
   ID attribute has the value "header":  */
#header { text-align: center; }

A 类选择的匹配

/* The following rule matches all elements
   with class "money":  */
.money { color: green; }


Selectors can be combined in CSS:

h1#chapter1 { font-size: 32px; text-align: center }

p#chapter1.intro { text-align: left }

p.ending { font-style: italic; }

#login.disabled { color: #f00; }


My question is, what is browser support (IE6 and up) for the combined type, ID, and class selector?


您所有的定选择组合在现代日常使用每一个浏览器的支持。包括IE6 +。

All your given selector combinations are supported in every browser in modern-day use. Including IE6+.


The only thing IE6 has trouble parsing is combined class selectors:


其内容为准类最后进来的链( .class2 在这种情况下),从而使它的任何元素,至少去年的类相匹配。一个例证可以在这对方的回答。

which it reads as whichever class comes last in the chain (.class2 in this case), thereby causing it to match any element with at least that last class. An illustration can be found in this other answer.


08-15 21:11