



我曾尝试通过串行方式(OSX,带有丰富的驱动程序-> USB RS232适配器->设备串行ttl端口上的Tx,Rx和GND引脚)与设备进行通信,并使用

I have tried communicating via serial (OSX w/ prolific drivers -> USB RS232 adapter -> Tx,Rx and GND pins on device serial ttl port) to a device and done so successfully using

screen /dev/tty.usbserial 115200 8N1


I get to log in and use it as if I was SSH or TelNetted in...

但是,无论何时我在设备开机时尝试进入系统恢复模式(按住CTRL + 1),它都会开始显示奇怪的字符,直到关闭屏幕会话,它将继续显示奇怪的字符:

However whenever I try to go into system recovery mode (holding CTRL+1) while the device is powering on, it starts displaying weird characters and until I close the screen session it will continue showing weird characters:


Of course when we tried doing the same thing on my boss' macbook running windows and PuTTY and everything worked fine, even in system recovery mode; characters were displayed properly.

有什么作用?我想学习使用的直觉,因为到目前为止,我得出的结论是,既然我可以进入系统并看到通常与连接有关的字符 everything ,并且它必须是恢复分区,破碎的.这当然是错误的...

What gives? Id like to learn the intuition to use because up till now I concluded that since I can bot into the system and see characters normally everything about the connection should be fine and its must have been the recovery partition that was broken. This was wrong of course...




Dunno if it is a OSX problem,


I had similar problems before. I fixed it either by changing the Baud rate of the com ports or by making sure the Ground on the circuit is the same as the ground of the supply.


08-15 21:03