

我需要使用它了android SurfaceView ,或样品code可以共享一个样本教程。该API演示是我很难理解。有没有人有办法吗?

I need a sample tutorial for the android SurfaceView, or sample code using it that can be shared. The API demos are difficult for me to understand. Does anyone have alternatives?



This commit of my WorldMap demo app shows you the changes necessary to convert from an android.view.View to an android.view.SurfaceView with an android.view.SurfaceHolder.Callback.

它通过使用查看欺骗一点的 的onDraw()从 SurfaceView DrawThread ,并通过调用查看 > onSizeChanged()从内部 SurfaceView surfaceChanged 。它只是使差异较小,更容易理解。

It cheats a bit by using the View's onDraw() from within the SurfaceView's DrawThread and by calling the View's onSizeChanged() from within the SurfaceView's surfaceChanged. It just makes the diff smaller and easier to understand.


08-15 20:57