本文介绍了SSIS 和 Oracle 错误代码:0x80040E4D的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我总是收到这个错误:0x80040E4D.无效的用户名/密码;登录被拒绝.我在包中设置了 EncryptSensitiveWithPassword 保护级别的用户名和密码.我已尝试将包放入 SSIS 包存储区并创建了一个配置文件,但一切都没有用.

I always get this error: 0x80040E4D. Invalid username/password; logon denied.I've set the username and password in the package with EncryptSensitiveWithPassword protection level.I've tried to put the package into the SSIS package store and I've created a config file, but all was useless.


I should have a bit of help, please.


EncryptSensitiveWithPassword 是一个选项,用于保存包的加密数据(如 oracle 的用户名和密码),因此如果有人试图在不提供密码的情况下执行包,包执行失败.

EncryptSensitiveWithPassword is a option to save the package's encrypted data (like the oracle's user name and password) so If someone tries to execute the package without providing the password, package execution fails.


I think you have issues on your config file, maybe the information sensitive information is not being loaded from it.

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08-28 18:40