

本文介绍了TFS 工作项选项卡可见性的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在自定义 TFS 工作项时,是否可以根据另一个控件的值来显示/隐藏选项卡控件?

While customizing a TFS work item, is it possible to display/hide a tab control based on the value of another control?



After quite a bit of research, there is no straight forward way of accomplishing this. One possibility would be to write a custom control, but that does not meet the needs presented to me.

在我的情况下,我正在处理一个自定义的需求工作项,该工作项也包含来自 CaliberRM 的字段.其中一些字段仅适用于某些类型的要求.我使用的解决方案是在应仅适用于某些类型的要求的字段上使用 WhenNot 规则.该规则具有关联的 Empty 和 ReadOnly 规则.现在会发生什么,如果选择了适用的需求类型,则字段可用;否则这些字段不可用于输入并被清空.

In my situation, I'm working on a customized Requirement work item that also has fields from CaliberRM. Some of these fields are only applicable to certain types of requirements. The solution I used was to use the WhenNot rule on the fields that should only be available for certain types of requirements. That rule has the Empty and ReadOnly rules associated with. What happens now, if the applicable requirement type is selected then the fields are available; otherwise the fields are not available for input and are emptied out.


Note: One other thing you can do is use the When rule to specify fields that are required based upon the selection of another field. Works like a charm.

这篇关于TFS 工作项选项卡可见性的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 20:49