




通常 importRange 函数工作得很好,看起来像下面这样:

Spreadsheet键输入正确 - 我在Google Spreadsheets中一直使用这个策略一段时间。


每隔一段时间,Google Spreadsheets似乎就会崩溃,或者至少 importRange 函数会产生一些内容如下所示:

谷歌似乎在今天有时会冻结,这就是发生这种情况的时间。我试着将 importRange 参数调整为!X1:X !X2:X5 ,改变标题在过去,从!X:X 更改为!X1:X / em>修正了一些列,但并不总是全部。我发现,解决这个问题的唯一不错的解决方案是重新创建这两个电子表格。由于后端(被导入的)最终会成为报告,我想省去我的老板参考多个电子表格的额外工作,并且宁愿只修复这个问题并完成它。

有人知道这个故障的潜在原因吗?有时它修复自己,有时它不修复。它是随机发生的,并且只发生在某些电子表格中(我有一组8个左右都使用 importRange ,同时不会超过2个)。所以我真的不知道这是从哪里来的。

附注:Google今天在所有方面一般都没有反应其服务 - 我大学的App Engine电子邮件服务已经停止了大约半个小时。对资源/网络攻击者的限制是否会导致Spreadsheets出现这种行为?

更新:我试图导入到来自不同的Spreadsheet 的相同Spreadsheet 数据(即,给 importRange 函数一个不同的Spreadsheet键)。虽然如果将键和范围导入到另一个 电子表格中,在我的原始文件(一个完整的#REF!)中,该范围无法正确导入。这导致我相信这个小故障可能只适用于一个Spreadsheet,其中任何来自任何其他来源的 importRange 尝试都不是 功能


这有点晚,但我在搜索中遇到它,其他 - 试试这样:

  = IF(ISERROR(ImportRange(SpreadSheet_GUID,Bookings!p:P)), IF(ISERROR(IMPORTRANGE(SpreadSheet_GUID, 预订,p:p!)),IMPORTRANGE(SpreadSheet_GUID, 预订,p:!p),IMPORTRANGE(SpreadSheet_GUID, 预订,p:p!)),IMPORTRANGE(SpreadSheet_GUID预订!p:P))


This problem has been persistent for a while, just happens every so often at random times, nothing changing. I also do not know how to reproduce the problem, but I'll give a detailed explanation of what's happening.

Normally the importRange function works just fine, and looks something like the following:

The Spreadsheet key is typed correctly - I've been using this strategy in Google Spreadsheets for a while now.

Every so often, Google Spreadsheets seems to break down, or at least the importRange function does... and produces something like the following:

Google seemed to be freezing up at times today, which is when this happened. I've tried adjusting the importRange parameters to !X1:X, !X2:X5, changing the title of the Sheet that is being imported, etc.

In the past, changing from !X:X to !X1:X fixed some columns, but not always all of them. The only fool-proof solution to fixing this, that I have found, is recreating both spreadsheets. As the back-end (the one being imported) eventually becomes a report, I would like to spare my boss the extra effort of referencing multiple spreadsheets, and would rather just fix this and be done with it.

Does anyone know the potential cause of this glitch? Sometimes it fixes itself, sometimes it doesn't. It happens randomly, and only to certain spreadsheets (I have a set of 8 or so that all use importRange, and no more than 2 are ever affected at the same time). So I honestly have no clue where this is coming from.

Side note: Google in general has been a bit unresponsive today in terms of all its services - my university's App Engine email service was down for about half an hour. Could a limitation on resources/network attackers be causing this kind of behavior in Spreadsheets?

Update: I attempted to import to the same Spreadsheet data from a different Spreadsheet (i.e., gave the importRange function a different Spreadsheet key). Though the key and range are valid if imported into a different Spreadsheet, in my original (the one full of #REF!), that range is not imported correctly. This leads me to believe that this glitch may apply only to a single Spreadsheet, where any attempt to importRange from any other source is not functional.


This is a little late, but I came across it in a search so it might help someone else - try something like this:


Basically the idea is to force Google to recalc using variations of the original address (upper/lower case column letters).


08-15 19:38