There are few questions on this topic Handle a pre-filtered list with grid.mvc and grid.mvc use filtered Result in Controller but no answer.
@using GridMvc.Html
@Html.Grid(Model,"_MyCustomGrid").Columns(columns =>
columns.Add(foo => foo.Title).Titled("Custom column title").SetWidth(110);
columns.Add(foo => foo.Description).Sortable(true);
这将创建一个网格,看起来像这样 -
Which creates a grid that looks like this -
Once the user filters the data in the grid I would like them to be able to export this to excel. I have read the source but I can't see an event I can plug into.
The solution I have found was to create a controller and view that return a table with a XLS content type. Unfortunately you get an warning message when you open up the result in Excel so it's not perfect but it works.
// Controllers/TaskController.cs
public virtual ActionResult Export () {
var tasks = repository.GetAllTasks();
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=Tasks.xls");
Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";
return PartialView("Export", tasks);
// /Views/Task/Export.cshtml
@model IEnumerable<OpuzEleven.Models.Task>
@using GridMvc.Html;
@(Html.Grid(Model, "_GridExcel")
.Columns(columns => columns.Add(c => c.UserProfile.FullName).Titled("Created by"))
// /Shared/_GridExcel.cshtml
@using GridMvc.Columns
@model GridMvc.IGrid
@if (Model == null) { return; }
@if (Model.RenderOptions.RenderRowsOnly) {
} else {
<div class="grid-mvc" data-lang="@Model.Language" data-gridname="@Model.RenderOptions.GridName" data-selectable="@Model.RenderOptions.Selectable.ToString().ToLower()" data-multiplefilters="@Model.RenderOptions.AllowMultipleFilters.ToString().ToLower()">
<div class="grid-wrap">
<table class="table table-striped grid-table">
@* Draw grid header *@
@helper RenderGridBody () {
if (!Model.ItemsToDisplay.Any()) {
<tr class="grid-empty-text">
<td colspan="@Model.Columns.Count()">
} else {
foreach (object item in Model.ItemsToDisplay) {
<tr class="grid-row @Model.GetRowCssClasses(item)">
@foreach (GridMvc.Columns.IGridColumn column in Model.Columns) {
@column.CellRenderer.Render(column, column.GetCell(item))
@helper RenderGridHeader () {
@foreach (GridMvc.Columns.IGridColumn column in Model.Columns) {
注意:这样的链接传给用于文件管理器网格使用本MVC ActionLink的从当前URL添加所有(可选)参数