本文介绍了将用户分配给 Visual Studio Team Services 中的任务的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚刚加入了我朋友的 Team Services 帐户(前 5 个用户帐户免费).如果我访问主页 (https://XXXXXXX.visualstudio.com/Development/Development%20Team),我可以看到我们都被列为团队成员.我可以创建待办事项/任务并将它们分配给自己.我的朋友可以创建待办事项/任务并将它们分配给自己.但是,我们不能互相分配.

I've just joined my friend's Team Services account (free for the first 5 users account). If I visit the home page (https://XXXXXXX.visualstudio.com/Development/Development%20Team), I can see us both listed as Team Members. I can create backlog items/tasks and assign them to myself. My friend can create backlog items/tasks and assign them to himself. However, we can't assign each other.


Why could this be and any suggestions on how to resolve this?



In the Assign To dropdown list of a work item, it shows a list of most recently used users.

因为您刚刚加入 VSTS,从未将工作项分配给其他人,所以您只能在下拉列表中看到自己.要将您的工作项目分配给您的朋友,您可以在分配给"文本框中搜索他的用户名.

Because you have just joined VSTS and never assigned work items to others, you could only see yourself in the dropdown list. To assign your work item to your friends, you could search his username at Assign To textbox.

这篇关于将用户分配给 Visual Studio Team Services 中的任务的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 18:59