My Jar file supports both being clicked, and launched from the command line.
如果有可用的图形环境,我只会通过检查<$来显示GUI c $ c> GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
I will only display the GUI if there is a graphics environment available by checking GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
I would like to be able to print logs to a file on disk if the user double clicks the jar file, and print them to the console if launched from the command line.
我一直无法找到答案,是否存在任何跨平台环境变量,或者我可以看到的任何其他内容,以了解用户是否使用 java -jar app.jar 启动了我的程序,或者他们是否双击了.jar文件?
I have been unable to find an answer to this, are there any cross-platform environment variables, or anything else I can look at to know whether the user launched my program using java -jar app.jar, or whether they double clicked the .jar file?
One way to do this is to determine when the console is null:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Console console = System.console();
System.out.println("Console is not null");
System.out.println("Console is null");
Try to run the code from the command line using the following command:
java -jar [your_runnable_file.jar]