本文介绍了检索的TextView行间距 - Android电子的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我怎样才能获取行间距值(目前适用于一段文字)一个的TextView ?在API 16及以上,相应的函数调用将 getLineSpacingExtra() getLineSpacingMultiplier()。什么是API版本低于16的相应的功能呢?

How can I retrieve the line spacing values (as currently applied to a piece of text) in a TextView? In API 16 and above, the appropriate functions to call would be getLineSpacingExtra() and getLineSpacingMultiplier(). What are the appropriate functions for API version less than 16?


的TextView 源展望给出<一个href=\"http://grep$c$c.com/file/repository.grep$c$c.com/java/ext/com.google.android/android/2.2_r1.1/android/widget/TextView.java\"相对=nofollow>这里显示, getLineHeight 返回整数的行高的'公式被给定为:

Looking at the source of TextView as given here shows that getLineHeight returns an integer for the line height whose 'formula' is given as:

lineHeight是= FastMath.round(mTextPaint.getFontMetricsInt(空)* mSpacingMult
                          + mSpacingAdd);

mSpacingMult mSpacingAdd 可以用 setLineSpacing设置(浮点MULT,浮点加法) 。这两个功能都可用,因为API等级1。

mSpacingMult and mSpacingAdd can be set with setLineSpacing(float mult, float add). Both these functions are available since API Level 1.

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09-02 09:49