本文介绍了用countdowntimer进度 - Android电子的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个20秒倒计时顺利工作在我的问答游戏。我想添加一个进度(不是 ProgressDialog )到屏幕上。我发现为Android混乱的开发者指南。我GOOGLE了大量实例,并试图将它们组合成我的code。现在所有的,当我运行游戏与游戏中的每个问题时没有取得进步的空栏显示。


 公共类QuestionView延伸活动{    INT correctAnswers = 0;
    INT wrongAnswers = 0;
    INT答案= 0;
    INT I = 0;    长得分= 0;    长STARTTIME = 20000;
    长间隔= 1000;
    长点;    布尔timerHasStarted = FALSE;    串类;    按钮ANSWER1,ANSWER2,ANSWER3,answer4;
    TextView的问题,pointCounter,questionNumber,timeCounter;    ArrayList的<问题>查询;
    定时器cdTimer;    进度条;    @覆盖
        的setContentView(R.layout.questionviewmain);        ANSWER1 =(按钮)findViewById(R.id.answer1);
        ANSWER2 =(按钮)findViewById(R.id.answer2);
        ANSWER3 =(按钮)findViewById(R.id.answer3);
        answer4 =(按钮)findViewById(R.id.answer4);        问题=(的TextView)findViewById(R.id.question);        类别= getIntent()getStringExtra(类别)。
        查询= getIntent()getParcelableArrayListExtra(查询)。        pointCounter =(的TextView)findViewById(R.id.timer);
        questionNumber =(的TextView)findViewById(R.id.timeElapsedView);
        timeCounter =(的TextView)findViewById(R.id.timeCounter);        cdTimer =新的Timer(startTime时,间隔);        巴=(进度)findViewById(R.id.progressbar);
        bar.setMax(9);        loadQuestion();
    }    公共无效loadQuestion(){            bar.setProgress(ⅰ);        如果(我== 10){            endQuiz();        }其他{            如果(!timerHasStarted){
                timerHasStarted = TRUE;
                timerHasStarted = FALSE;
            }            答案= queries.get(I).getCorrectAnswer();            question.setText(queries.get(ⅰ).getQuery());            answer1.setText(queries.get(ⅰ).getA1());
            answer4.setText(queries.get(ⅰ).getA4());            answer1.setOnClickListener(新OnClickListener(){
                    如果(答案== 0){
                        correctAnswers ++;
                        wrongAnswers ++;
            });            answer2.setOnClickListener(新OnClickListener(){
                    如果(回答== 1){
                        correctAnswers ++;
                        wrongAnswers ++;
            });            answer3.setOnClickListener(新OnClickListener(){
                    如果(回答== 2){
                        correctAnswers ++;
                        wrongAnswers ++;
            });            answer4.setOnClickListener(新OnClickListener(){
                    如果(回答== 3){
                        correctAnswers ++;
                        wrongAnswers ++;
    }    公众的ArrayList<问题> getQueries(){
    }    公共无效nextQuestion(){
    }    公共类定时器扩展CountDownTimer {        公共无效startCountdownTimer(){
        }        公共定时器(长的startTime,长间隔){
        }        @覆盖
            如果(ⅰ> = 9){
                wrongAnswers ++;
        }        @覆盖
            timeCounter.setText(剩余时间+(millisUntilFinished / 100));
            点=(millisUntilFinished / 100)/ 2;
                questionNumber.setText(问题+第(i + 1)+10);
    }    公共无效endQuiz(){

XML code

                机器人:ID =@ + ID /进度
                机器人:layout_height =WRAP_CONTENT
                机器人:layout_width =WRAP_CONTENT
                风格=@安卓风格/ Widget.ProgressBar.Horizo​​ntal/>


New Answer
To do this let's add a new line to onTick():

bar.setProgress((int) Math.round(millisUntilFinished / 1000.0));

(You may need to tweak the data types, I am away from my compiler... Also I don't like the CountDownTimer class, it is inaccurate and often skips the second to last number. I wrote an alternate class here: android CountDownTimer - additional milliseconds delay between ticks)

Original Answer
I have a couple pointers:

  • Have you defined a maximum value for your ProgressBar?


  • I suggest loading i as the progress instead of the constant value of 10:


  • If you still do not see any progress ensure that you are not in indeterminate mode:


    (This assume that you are using a ProgressBar that can depict progress.)

Move this code into onCreate():

bar = (ProgressBar)findViewById(R.id.progressbar);
bar.setIndeterminate(false); // May not be necessary

Then move this line to loadQuestion():


Otherwise the progress will never be updated since you only create one CountDownTimer and you never actually call startCountdownTimer().

这篇关于用countdowntimer进度 - Android电子的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 18:22