




Asana API provides access to data stored in Asana workspaces. What is the best way to get list of all tasks in workspace?

人们可以找出必然的工作区项目和用户列表。然后收集每个项目的所有任务,并分配给特定受让人所有任务。合并所有的集合将产生一组由使用API​​令牌psented用户重新$ P $访问的任务。

One can find out the list of projects and users bound to workspace. Then collect all tasks of each individual project, and all tasks assigned to particular assignee. Merging all the sets will produce the set of tasks accessible to user represented by API token used.

如果所有的API请求顺序发送 - 这是2 +用户+项目的请求,该操作是相当长的更大的工作空间。如果API请求被并行发送,则可以有多达使用者+项目并发请求。什么级别的并发性体位API端点将仍然高兴?或者有什么建议的方法呢?

If all API requests are sent sequentially - it is 2+users+projects requests, that operation is quite long for bigger workspaces. If API requests are sent in parallel, then there can be up to users+projects concurrent requests. What level of concurrency Asana API endpoint will be still happy about? Or what is recommended approach?



获取的工作空间中的所有任务完整的转储可能会产生大量的数据(这将是非常易于管理,当你刚刚起步的,却一次也没有你已经积极地在工作区中工作了一段时间) 。我们觉得这是一个高级的用例,并有在得到它的工作,并很好地扩展显著的考虑,因此API不提供一个很好的机制,但(截至2012/4/11)。

Getting a complete dump of all tasks in a workspace could potentially generate a lot of data (this will be very manageable when you're just starting out, but not once you've been actively working in a workspace for a while). We feel this is an advanced use case and there are significant considerations in getting it to work and scale well, so the API does not provide a good mechanism for this yet (as of 4/11/2012).


I think the main reason you might want this ability is that you want to export the data into some other tool, or sync it with another database. We very much want to support our developers in getting their data where they need it to be, and are looking into how best to serve you in this way. Providing an export feature is one way to do that, but there are other features we are considering, like WebHooks or a sync API, that might prove much more useful and flexible over time.

在此期间,虽然我们确实支持大量的并行请求(任何体面的REST API应该),我们可能会给速率限制,你就可能看到在这一点上,可以使这种方法棘手的性能。它可能发生在你现在的工作,但我不建议这样做。 :)我们会优先考虑这方面的需要对其他的API请求,当然,和你保持联络,因为我们取得进展。

In the meantime, while we do support lots of parallel requests (as any respectable REST API should), we might impose rate limiting and the performance you're likely to see at this point may make this approach intractable. It may happen to work for you now, but I don't recommend it. :) We'll be prioritizing this need against other API requests, of course, and keep you posted as we make progress.


08-15 18:41