



我们可以说二进制的传统"写作方式吗?是Big Endian?

Can we say that our 'traditional' way of writing in binaryis Big Endian?


0b00000001 // Let's assume its possible to write numbers like that in code and b means binary

当我在代码中编写常量 0b00000001 时,无论机器是大端还是小端,这将始终引用整数1?

Also when I write a constant 0b00000001 in my code, this will always refer to integer 1 regardless if machine is big endian or little endian right?

在这种表示法中, LSB总是写为最右边的最后一个元素,而MSB总是 写为最左边的最右边的元素?

In this notation the LSB is always written as the last element from the right, and MSB is always written as the left most element right?



Yes, humans generally write numerals in big-endian order (meaning that the digits written first have the most significant value), and common programming languages that accept numerals interpret them in the same way.


Thus, the numeral "00000001" means one; it never means one hundred million (in decimal) or 128 (in binary) or the corresponding values in other bases.


Much of C semantics is written in terms of the value of a number. Once a numeral is converted to a value, the C standard describes how that value is added, multiplied, and even represented as bits (with some latitude regarding signed values). Generally, the standard does not specify how those bits are stored in memory, which is where endianness in machine representations comes into play. When the bits representing a value are grouped into bytes and those bytes are stored in memory, we may see those bytes written in different orders on different machines.


However, the C standard specifies a common way of interpreting numerals in source code, and that interpretation is always big-endian in the sense that the most significant digits appear first.


08-15 18:13