



我正在使用我的众筹网站的PayPal PreApproved付款方式,该网站仅在成功支持项目后才向项目支持者收费.

I am using PayPal PreApproved payments for my crowd funding website, where project backers are only charged if the project is successfully backed.

我担心,如果项目成功,那么当PayPal API尝试收取资金时,高支付率将失败:

I am worried that high rate of payments will fail when the PayPal API tries to collect the funds when a project is successful:

  • 支持者的PayPal帐户中可能没有任何资金
  • 项目成功后,支持者可能会关闭其帐户(故意停止付款)
  • 支持者可能会删除/取消其预先批准的付款
  • 等...


There are a number of ways that the payment could fail which would mean that the project owner would not get their funds.


Can anyone suggest a way of tightening or securing payments. Please note, that PayPal will only allow you to use PreApproved payments for crowdfunding. Please also note that project owners need to be able to receive the funds from my site. Sometimes, these funds can be as small as $10 or up to $10,000 so we need to use PayPal to pay them as there is not other method of getting the funds to the project owner


我已经实现了贝宝(Paypal Adaptive)付款并将其用于 http://www.wethetrees.com ,我们遇到了您要描述的确切问题.捕获率几乎是随机的,我们只进行一次活动就降到了35%,不得不手动发送所有支持者发票.

I've implemented Paypal Adaptive payments and used them for payments at http://www.wethetrees.com and we had the exact problems you are describing. The capture rate is almost random, we were down to 35% with one campaign and had to manually send all backers invoices.


When capturing we had backers with closed/unauthorized accounts, insufficient funds, unavailable payment methods etc. We switched to just doing direct capture for a while, which is great since we get 100% of all pledges, but Paypal closed our account without notice when one of our campaigns mentioned the word "Cuba".


The solution in the end was to scrap Paypal so now we're using Wepay and Dwolla, and we're considering Bitpay (Bitcoin) as well. Seems to like Paypal wants to kill crowdfunding or doesn't understand it. Anything less than a 90% capture rate is totally unacceptable and will cause projects to fail.


08-15 17:43