I am building a music playing app using Flutter. It helps me as a single developer to build an app once for both platforms. However there are a few hiccups I have hit on both platforms respectivly. Although I have overcome some of these road bumps, I just can't figure out a major bug/issue that just takes the purpose out of making a music app. Music doesn't change if the app is not in the foreground.
我正在使用以下软件包:audioplayers( https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/audioplayers ).我的应用程序正在播放歌曲,mp3文件是在线托管的,并且具有单独的链接.
I am using the package: audioplayers (https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/audioplayers). My app is streaming songs, the mp3 files are hosted online and have individual links.
当第一首歌曲完成播放时,AudioPlayerState.COMPLETED.我打了电话,播放新的歌曲网址.如果应用程序在前景中,则效果很好,但如果应用程序在背景中,则效果不佳.这是在最新版本的iOS上发生的,而我在Android 5.0(而不是Android 8.0+)上发现了这一点.当我对此进行测试时,在Android Studio的运行"标签中,它确实显示了已进行呼叫,但没有播放歌曲,但是当我打开应用程序时,它确实显示了更新的专辑封面,该专辑封面也位于url上(不在歌曲元数据).如果我叫履历表,则从后台打开应用程序后,歌曲就会开始播放.
When the first song completes playback, AudioPlayerState.COMPLETED. I make a call to play, with the new songs url. This works fine if the app is in the foreground but it doesn't work if the app is in the background. This happens on the latest version of iOS and I have caught this on Android 5.0 (not on Android 8.0+). In the RUN tab of Android Studio when I test this, it does show me the call is made, but song doesn't play however when I open app it does show updated album art, which is located on a url also (not in the song metadata). If I call resume, after opening app back up from the background, song starts to play.
I don't know if this is an issue with the package or just how it is with iOS, I have opened an issue on the package Github. However I believe it is something with iOS as before it wasn't playing the song if the app was minimized until I check the background audio in Xcode.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:audioplayers/audioplayers.dart';
import 'dart:math';
AudioPlayer audioPlayer = new AudioPlayer();
class MusicPlay {
MusicPlay() {
play(String audioURL) async {
int result = await audioPlayer.play(audioURL);
if (result == 1) {
// success
nextSong() async {
play(String nextAudioURL)
void _initAudioPlayer() {
audioPlayer.audioPlayerStateChangeHandler = (AudioPlayerState state) {
switch (state) {
case AudioPlayerState.PLAYING:
case AudioPlayerState.PAUSED:
case AudioPlayerState.STOPPED:
case AudioPlayerState.COMPLETED:
Solution is a one liner on the iOS Side.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents];
雨燕3 UIApplication.sharedApplication().beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents()
雨燕4 UIApplication.shared.beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents()
Add this code to AppDelegate.m/AppDelegate.swift inside your iOS/Runner directory, just before the return.