本文介绍了LEFT JOIN显着快于INNER JOIN的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a table (MainTable) with a bit over 600,000 records. It joins onto itself via a 2nd table (JoinTable) in a parent/child type relationship:

SELECT   Child.ID, Parent.ID
FROM     MainTable
AS       Child
JOIN     JoinTable
      ON Child.ID = JoinTable.ID
JOIN     MainTable
AS       Parent
      ON Parent.ID = JoinTable.ParentID
     AND Parent.SomeOtherData = Child.SomeOtherData


I know that every child record has a parent record and the data in JoinTable is acurate.


When I run this query it takes literally minutes to run. However if I join to Parent using a Left Join then it takes < 1 second to run:

SELECT   Child.ID, Parent.ID
FROM     MainTable
AS       Child
JOIN     JoinTable
      ON Child.ID = JoinTable.ID
AS       Parent
      ON Parent.ID = JoinTable.ParentID
     AND Parent.SomeOtherData = Child.SomeOtherData
WHERE    ...[some info to make sure we don't select parent records in the child dataset]...

我了解INNER JOINLEFT JOIN之间的结果差异.在这种情况下,它返回的结果与每个孩子都有父母的情况完全相同.如果我让两个查询都运行,我可以比较数据集,它们是完全一样的.

I understand the difference in the results between an INNER JOIN and a LEFT JOIN. In this case it is returning exactly the same result as every child has a parent. If I let both queries run, I can compare the datasets and they are exactly the same.


Why is it that a LEFT JOIN runs so much faster than an INNER JOIN?


UPDATEChecked the query plans and when using an inner join it starts with the Parent dataset. When doing a left join it starts with the child dataset.


The indexes it uses are all the same.


Can I force it to always start with the child? Using a left join works, it just feels wrong.


Similar questions have been asked here before, but none seem to answer my question.

例如在> SQL Server中的内联接与左联接性能中选择的答案表示左联接总是比内联接慢.这种说法是有道理的,但这不是我所看到的.

e.g. the selected answer in INNER JOIN vs LEFT JOIN performance in SQL Server says that Left Joins are always slower than Inner joins. The argument makes sense, but it's not what I'm seeing.



The Left join seems to be faster because SQL is forced to do the smaller select first and then join to this smaller set of records. For some reason the optimiser doesn't want to do this naturally.


3 ways to force the joins to happen in the right order:

  1. 将第一个数据子集选择到临时表(或表变量)中,然后对其进行联接
  2. 使用左联接(请记住,这可能返回不同的数据,因为它是左联接而不是内部联接)
  3. 使用FORCE ORDER关键字.请注意,如果表大小或架构更改,则查询计划可能不正确(请参阅 https://dba. stackexchange.com/questions/45388/force-join-order )

这篇关于LEFT JOIN显着快于INNER JOIN的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 15:04