有人能向我解释如何以及为什么我们需要使用的Dispose()?这是默认的控制器模板自带的ASP.NET MVC 4.不宜在.NET中的垃圾回收器会自动踢的一部分,当从数据库中的对象,在这种情况下,数据是不再使用?
Can someone explain to me how and why do we need to use Dispose()? It's part of the default controller template that comes with ASP.NET MVC 4. Shouldn't the garbage collector in .NET automatically kick in when the object, in this case data from a database is no longer in use?
Is it correct that Dispose() should be used when loading from a database but not regular object assignments?
时(在一次性模式,可以这么说),当与非托管资源处理。是的,.NET垃圾回收器将清理.NET管理的对象,但数据库连接是较低级别的对象不是由.NET框架管理。同样的事情与文件处理程序 - 使用Dispose模式,当你打开/写文件的实际文件句柄不被.NET托管
is used (the Disposable pattern, so to speak) when dealing with unmanaged resources. Yes, the .NET Garbage Collector will clean up .NET managed objects, but database connections are lower level objects not managed by the .NET Framework. Same thing with file handlers -- use the Dispose pattern when you open/write to files as the actual file handle is not managed by .NET.
借助 MSDN文档描述 IDisposable的
The MSDN documentation describes IDisposable
and why you'd implement it.
是 DbDataConnection
EF uses it because underneath the DbContext
is a DbDataConnection
, which works with unmanaged resources. In those situations, it is best to implement IDisposable
and handle the clean up of your unmanaged resources accordingly.