


ID, Name, Website

ID, DealershipID, Address, Ect.

ID, LocationID, Name, Ect.


So the relationship shows that we have dealerships who have multiple locations (Example: Weed Chevrolet of PA, Weed Chevrolet of NJ) and then each location has its own contacts (Example: Managers of PA location, Managers of NJ location). I need to join the 3 tables together. This is what I have:

var results = from d in entities.dealerships
              join l in entities.locations on d.ID equals l.DealershipID
              join c in entities.contacts on l.ID equals c.LocationID
              select new
                  Name = d.Name,
                  Website = d.Website,
                  Address = l.Address + ", " + l.City + ", " + l.State + " " + l.Zip,
                  Contact = c.FirstName + " " + c.LastName,
                  WorkPhone = c.WorkPhone,
                  CellPhone = c.CellPhone,
                  HomePhone = c.HomePhone,
                  Email = c.Email,
                  AltEmail = c.AltEmail,
                  Sells = l.Sells


When I attempt to bind results to a BindingSource and then to a DataGridView I receive the following error:

Unable to cast the type 'System.Nullable`1' to type 'System.Object'.
LINQ to Entities only supports casting Entity Data Model primitive types.


What can it be? I am new to JOIN statements in LINQ so I am sure I am doing something wrong.


There is data in the database so the results shouldn't be null, just to clarify


您已经接近,但我发现,你必须把它从LINQ到实体到LINQ到转换-Objects。首先,我不得不用投实体 AsEnumerable()然后用了ToList()。这使得它,所以我可以使用的功能,如的ToString()的String.Format()。谢谢你带领我在正确的方向。下面是最终的代码:

You were close but I discovered that you have to convert it from LINQ-To-Entities to LINQ-To-Objects. First I had to cast the entities using AsEnumerable() then use ToList(). This made it so I could use functions like ToString() and String.Format(). Thanks for leading me in the right direction. Here is the final code:

var query = from d in entities.dealerships
            from l in entities.locations.Where(loc => loc.DealershipID == d.ID).DefaultIfEmpty()
            from c in entities.contacts.Where(cont => cont.LocationID == l.ID).DefaultIfEmpty()
            where d.Keywords.Contains(keywords) || l.Keywords.Contains(keywords) || l.Sells.Contains(keywords) || c.Keywords.Contains(keywords)
            select new
                Dealership = d,
                Location = l,
                Contact = c

var results = (from r in query.AsEnumerable()
               select new
                   Name = r.Dealership.Name,
                   Website = r.Dealership.Website,
                   Contact = r.Contact.FirstName + " " + r.Contact.LastName,
                   Address = r.Location.Address + ", " + r.Location.City + ", " + r.Location.State + " " + r.Location.Zip,
                   WorkPhone = r.Contact.WorkPhone,
                   CellPhone = r.Contact.CellPhone,
                   Fax = r.Contact.Fax,
                   Email = r.Contact.Email,
                   AltEmail = r.Contact.AltEmail,
                   Sells = r.Location.Sells

bindingSource.DataSource = results;


08-15 14:46