本文介绍了在Visual Studio 2008专业版中进行性能分析的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何在Visual Studio 2008中使用探查器?

How do I use the profiler in Visual Studio 2008?

我知道配置属性"->链接器"->高级"->配置文件(/PROFILE)"中有一个构建选项,但是我找不到有关使用它的实际信息,只有我能找到的文章才适用于Visual Studio的旧版本(例如,大多数人说去Build-> Profile来打开配置文件对话框,但在2008年没有这样的菜单项).

I know theres a build option in Config Properties -> Linker -> Advanced -> Profile (/PROFILE), however I can't find anything about actauly using it, only articles I was able to find appear to only apply to older versions of Visual Studio (eg most say to goto Build->Profile to bring up the profile dialog box, yet in 2008 there is no such menu item).

这是因为Visual Studio 2008不包括探查器,如果探查器在哪里以及在哪里提供文档,则是这样?

Is this because Visual Studio 2008 does not include a profiler, and if it does where is it and where is the documentation for it?


探查器仅在Visual Studio 2008的团队系统版本中可用.我使用的最后一个包含探查器的版本是Visual C ++ 6.0.

The profiler is only available in the Team System editions of Visual Studio 2008. The last version that I used that included a profiler was Visual C++ 6.0.

对于Visual Studio 2005,您可以尝试 Compuware DevPartner性能分析社区版

For Visual Studio 2005, you could try Compuware DevPartner Performance Analysis Community Edition.

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08-19 03:14