您好,我最近编写了一个代码,该代码创建一个.bat文件,可以使用savefile.ShowDialog()保存该文件,但是我希望能够对将文件保存到的目录进行硬编码,以便随后稍后直接执行 代码.这是代码本身:
Hello, I recently wrote a code that creates a .bat file which can be saved using the savefile.ShowDialog(), however I would like to be able to hardcode the directory of where the file will be saved in order to then be able to directly execute it later on in the code. Here is the code itself:
Or are you still going to use SaveFileDialog but you want the path provided by using it stored in a global variable for later use in the code?
Without you providing where the file is, if all you want is to hard code the path in a global string variable, it seems a moot point to provide code for that path.
您还创建了SaveFileDialog,但是从不丢弃创建的对象.使用/最终使用声明将执行此操作.同样,如果有人选择在SaveFileDialog上取消"savefile.ShowDialog"之后的代码,仍会运行导致您的应用 坠毁.以下是首选方法.
Also you create a SaveFileDialog but never dispose of the created object. A using/end using statement will do that. Also if somebody selected cancel on the SaveFileDialog your code after "savefile.ShowDialog" would still run causing your app to crash. The below would be a preferred method.
Using SFD As New SaveFileDialog
With SFD
.DefaultExt = ".bat"
.AddExtension = True
.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory)
.Title = "Write bat file."
.Filter = "Bat files (*.Bat)|*.Bat"
End With
If SFD.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(SFD.FileName & ".bat", TextBox1.Text, False)
End If
End Using