

本文介绍了默认情况下,Spring Boot期望视图存储在哪里?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用Spring Boot重写配置繁重的原始Spring MVC项目.我使用Spring Boot Initiaizer在IntelliJ中启动了一个全新的Spring Boot项目,并且正在尝试基于Java的最小配置.许多教程指出,生成的默认主类就足够了,并且@SpringBootApplication包含了所有内容.我有一个示例REST Controller可以工作并以JSON形式返回一个序列化的对象,但是事实证明很难显示视图.我的结构如下所示,除了我创建的webapps目录以外,所有其他默认设置.

I'm experimenting on re-writing my configuration-heavy, vanilla Spring MVC project using Spring Boot. I started a brand new Spring Boot project in IntelliJ using the Spring Boot Initiaizer and I'm going the route of minimal Java-based configuration. Lots of tutorials point out that the default main class generated is sufficient and that @SpringBootApplication has everything included. I got a sample REST Controller to work and return a serialized object as JSON, but it appears getting a view to show is proving difficult. My structure is as follows, with everything default other than the webapps directory which I created.



public class ViewMaster {
    public String home() {
        return "home";

在没有任何配置的情况下,我想知道Spring Boot希望将视图存储在何处以及使用什么扩展名(html?).我也尝试在application.properties中包含以下内容,但仍然出现404错误.在资源中四处移动WEB-INF目录或仅html文件也无济于事.

Without any configuration, I'd like to know where Spring Boot expects the views to be stored and with what extension (html?). I've also tried to include the following in but I still get a 404 error. Moving the WEB-INF directory or just the html file around in resources didn't help either.



I've also tried including these dependencies in my pom.xml without any effect.



I must be missing something painfully obvious here so appreciate if someone can point that out!



我通过反复试验找到了答案,结果很烦人.如果这个结论是错误的,我希望有人可以纠正我,但是看来Spring Boot不喜欢字符串WEB-INF.我将WEB-INF目录重命名为view,并将application.properties更改为以下内容,并成功加载了视图.

I found the answer via trial-and-error, which turned out rather annoying. I hope someone can correct me if this conclusion is wrong, but it appears that Spring Boot does not like the string WEB-INF. I renamed the WEB-INF directory to view and changed the to the following and the view loaded successfully.



本练习的目的是创建一个最小,基于Java的配置的工作示例,因此我继续最小化设置.然后,我发现在多个SO线程和论坛上提出的许多建议都无济于事. @JBNizet在他的评论中提供了指向Spring Boot文档的链接,该链接列出了一个没有人提及的非常突出的观点: JSP不能很好地与Spring Boot配合使用,因为它有局限性,具体取决于所选的嵌入式容器.考虑到这一点,我决定尝试用ThymeLeaf模板替换JSP.

The objective of this exercise was to create a working example of a minimal, Java-based configuration so I continued minimalising the setup. I then found that lots of advice dished out on multiple SO threads and forums did not help. @JBNizet provided a link in his comment to the Spring Boot docs which lists a very salient point that no one has mentioned: JSPs simply do not play well with Spring Boot as it has limitations depending on the embedded container chosen. With that in mind, I decided to try replacing JSPs with ThymeLeaf templates.


My new working config removes the need for these:

  • 无需添加 + spring.mvc.view.suffix
  • 无需将包装类型从 jar 更改为 war
  • 无需修改主类
  • 无需为其添加pom.xml依赖项
    • org.springframework.boot / spring-boot-starter-tomcat
    • org.springframework.boot / tomcat-embed-jasper
    • javax.servlet / jstl
    • No need to add spring.mvc.view.prefix + spring.mvc.view.suffix
    • No need to change the packaging type from jar to war
    • No need to modify main class
    • No need to add pom.xml dependencies for
      • org.springframework.boot / spring-boot-starter-tomcat
      • org.springframework.boot / tomcat-embed-jasper
      • javax.servlet / jstl

      因此,只有默认的Spring Boot模板和2个ThymeLeaf依赖项,并将名为ViewName.html的视图放置在src/main/resources/templates中.

      So just the default Spring Boot template and 2 ThymeLeaf dependencies with the views named as ViewName.html placed in src/main/resources/templates.


      这篇关于默认情况下,Spring Boot期望视图存储在哪里?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 13:18