expect(parse(一些测试代码","startGrammarRule")).toEqual(new ASTForGrammarRule())
...然后 parse("1,2,3","numberList")
numberList:NUMBER(','NUMBER)*;numberList_TEST:numberList EOF;
...但是这会使语法变得混乱,并带来担心,必须始终严格维护 _TEST
语法T;parse:numberList EOF;numberList:NUMBER(','NUMBER)*;NUMBER:[0-9] +;ID:[a-zA-Z] +;WS:[\ t \ r \ n] +->频道(HIDDEN);
从'../src/parser/TLexer'导入{TLexer};从'antlr4ts'导入{BailErrorStrategy,CharStreams,CommonTokenStream};从'../src/parser/TParser'导入{TParser};从"antlr4ts/Lexer"导入{Lexer};Expect.extend({toBeCompletelyParsedBy:(源:字符串,ruleName:字符串)=>{const lexer = new TLexer(CharStreams.fromString(source));lexer.removeErrorListeners();const tokenStream =新的CommonTokenStream(lexer);const parser = new TParser(tokenStream);parser.removeErrorListeners();parser.errorHandler = new BailErrorStrategy();const context = parser [ruleName]();//收集真实令牌:非隐藏令牌和非EOF令牌const realTokens = tokenStream.getTokens().filter((t)=>t.channel === Lexer.DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL&&t.type!== Lexer.EOF);让indexOfStop = realTokens.indexOf(context.stop);让传递= realTokens.length ===(indexOfStop +1);let message =()=>{如果(通过){返回`expected'$ {source}'不会被规则'$ {ruleName}'完全解析,但是确实如此.}让违规= realTokens [indexOfStop +1];返回`预期的'$ {source}'将由规则'$ {ruleName}'完全解析,但是'$ {offending.text}'`+`($ {offending.line}:$ {offending.charPositionInLine})不包括在内!};返回{pass,message};}});声明全局{命名空间笑话{接口Matchers< R>{toBeCompletelyParsedBy(ruleName:字符串):R}}}出口 {};
import'./parserMatchers';test('numberList parser rule',()=> {Expect('3,4,5').toBeCompletelyParsedBy('numberList');Expect('3,4,5 FOO').not.toBeCompletelyParsedBy('numberList');});
I am in the middle of re-writing my translator and I am being much more disciplined about tests this time, since this version is likely to live for more than a few weeks.
Because you can run a visitor starting at any node, you can almost write beautiful small tests like this ...
expect(parse("some test code", "startGrammarRule")).toEqual(new ASTForGrammarRule())
and then write one ( or a few of these ) for each visitor function
EXCEPT that the rule you are invoking is a sub rule, and so does not have "EOF" in it, so if my grammar has somewhere in it
numberList: NUMBER ( ',' NUMBER )* ;
... then parse("1,2,3", "numberList")
only parses "1" (because it is only an "EOF" which would make the parser hungry enough to consume all the string).
Editing the rule to add EOF is a non starter. I could, for every rule I write a test for, add a test version of the rule ...
numberList: NUMBER ( ',' NUMBER )* ;
numberList_TEST: numberList EOF ;
... but that is going to make the grammar cluttered and introduce worry that the _TEST
rules have to always be maintained scrupulously ...
I want a flag when I create a parser which constructs that faux TEST rule dynamically and then parses from there, or something like that ...
Is there a better way to write tests for my parser that I haven't figured out yet?
In a Java project, I'm using a custom matcher to check if the parsed tokens are 100% of the tokenstream, and if not, will fail.
You seem to use the TypeScript target, so in TypeScript that could look like this:
grammar T;
parse : numberList EOF;
numberList : NUMBER ( ',' NUMBER )*;
NUMBER : [0-9]+;
ID : [a-zA-Z]+;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> channel(HIDDEN);
import { TLexer } from '../src/parser/TLexer';
import { BailErrorStrategy, CharStreams, CommonTokenStream } from 'antlr4ts';
import { TParser } from '../src/parser/TParser';
import { Lexer } from 'antlr4ts/Lexer';
toBeCompletelyParsedBy: (source: string, ruleName: string) => {
const lexer = new TLexer(CharStreams.fromString(source));
const tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
const parser = new TParser(tokenStream);
parser.errorHandler = new BailErrorStrategy();
const context = parser[ruleName]();
// Collect the real tokens: non-HIDDEN and non-EOF tokens
const realTokens = tokenStream.getTokens().filter((t) =>
t.channel === Lexer.DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL && t.type !== Lexer.EOF);
let indexOfStop = realTokens.indexOf(context.stop);
let pass = realTokens.length === (indexOfStop + 1);
let message = () => {
if (pass) {
return `Expected '${source}' not to be completely parsed by rule '${ruleName}', but it did.`;
let offending = realTokens[indexOfStop + 1];
return `Expected '${source}' to be completely parsed by rule '${ruleName}', but '${offending.text}' ` +
`(${offending.line}:${offending.charPositionInLine}) was not included!`;
return { pass, message };
declare global {
namespace jest {
interface Matchers<R> {
toBeCompletelyParsedBy(ruleName: string): R
export {};
And in you unit tests, you can now do this:
import './parserMatchers';
test('the numberList parser rule', () => {
expect('3, 4, 5').toBeCompletelyParsedBy('numberList');
expect('3, 4, 5 FOO').not.toBeCompletelyParsedBy('numberList');