我使用bwlow代码通过sqlalchemy连接到MS SQL,现在它已迁移到Azure云.我尝试过修改值代码,但我认为它不是连接ActiveDirectoryPassword的正确方法
I was connecting to MS SQL with sqlalchemy using bwlow code and now it has been migrated to azure cloud. I tried the chaging the values code but i think its not the proper way to connect ActiveDirectoryPassword
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import event, create_engine
# OLD connection string
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine("mssql+pyodbc://" + "username" + ":" + "passkey" + "@" + "server" + "/" + "Database" + "?driver=SQL+Server"
@event.listens_for(engine, 'before_cursor_execute')
def receive_before_cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement, params, context, executemany):
if executemany:
cursor.fast_executemany = True
# New connection string (for Active directory connection - not working)
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine("mssql+pyodbc://" + "[email protected]" + ":" + "passkey" + "@" + "xxxx-svsql1.database.windows.net" + "/" + "Database" + "?driver=SQL+Server" + "Authentication=ActiveDirectoryPassword")
Please note I was able to successfully able to connect using pyodbc but not able to do that using sqlalchemy by following
我尝试了此代码,并使用Active Directory密码成功连接到我的Azure SQL数据库.
I tried this code and connect to my Azure SQL DATABASE with Active directory Password successfully.
import sqlalchemy
import urllib
import pyodbc
from sqlalchemy import event
params = urllib.parse.quote_plus("Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};Server=tcp:***.database.windows.net,1433;DATABASE=db_name;UID=***@***.com;PWD=***;Authentication=ActiveDirectoryPassword")
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine("mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s" % params)
@event.listens_for(engine, 'before_cursor_execute')
def receive_before_cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement, params, context, executemany):
if executemany:
cursor.fast_executemany = True
用您的AD帐户替换 UID
有关更多详细信息,请参阅此文档:连接到PyODBC .
For more details, please see the this document: Connecting to PyODBC.
我的python版本是Python 3.7.3.
My python version is Python 3.7.3.
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