




I'm discussing Silverlight (v4 onwards) as a possible platform for a program that will need two instances to communicate directly. As far as I can tell, this is still not possible with the SL sockets assumptions of client-server comms.


Assume it is for a highly interactive two-player game and you will have a good idea of the performance requirements.


It doesn't need to scale to thousands of users with the same server so the performance and scaling issues which concern most people are irrelevant.


但是,有可能在需要通讯的人的台式机上安装 communication nub ,所以我正在考虑安装一个小的二进制本地服务器的可行性. /em>处理真正的对等通信,并由本地SL客户端与之通信.

However, there is the possibility of installing a communications nub on the desktop machines for people who need the comms so I'm musing over the feasibility of having a little binary local server that handles the true peer-peer comms and is talked to by the local SL client.


That sounds a bit like Skinkers have done for video and the only concern would be the double-handling of messages but it's not much more than acting as a router.



Thinking more about Michael's answer, it occurred to me that my specific scenario is probably something satisfied by two instances of SL communicating within the one machine - inter-process comms.

具有讽刺意味的是,这是可用于浏览器托管的SL ,但恐怕不能用于OOB.

Ironically, this is possible with browser-hosted SL but not, I fear, with OOB.


具有增强信任的Silverlight 4 可以做到这一点.如果您以提升的信任度运行,则可以在客户端系统上安装和运行服务.由于存在明显的滥用可能性,因此用户必须直接选择提高信任度.

Silverlight 4 with Elevated Trust has the potential to do this. If you run in elevated trust, you could possibly install and run a service on the client system. Because of the obvious potential for abuse, the user has to opt in directly for elevated trust.


08-15 12:51