I want to use part of the output of a command run from the command line in another xterm, or as part of a different command. For instance:
> grep error error.log
error: can't find file ~/<some very long path>/thisfile
>ls ~/<some very long path>/
1. copy 〜/<一些很长的路径> /
2.使用 head
/ tail
/ awk
/ sed
/ perl
/ cut
/ etc ...仅从输出中提取所需内容,然后使用 >里面的反引号。
I know two ways to do this:
1. copy ~/<some very long path>/
with the mouse.
2. use some combination of head
/etc... to extract only what I need from the output and then use that inside backticks.
Is there any way to copy text without using the mouse? The example that comes to mind is visual mode inside VIM, but I don't know how to do that inside the xterm.
You can use GNU screen's copy and paste commands.
- 打开屏幕:
(或screen myprog my args here
) - 将光标移动到起点 $ <$ li>
- 输入复制模式: b $ b
- 输入
- 将光标移至结束点
- 粘贴:^ A]
- Open screen:
(orscreen myprog my args here
) - Run your program, producing output you want copied
- Enter copy mode: ^A [
- Move your cursor to the start point
- Hit enter
- Move your cursor to the end point
- Hit enter
- Paste: ^A ]
屏幕功能强大得多(我使用它来标记多个虚拟终端,终端仿真器,并且也使得我不松开我的会话,当X崩溃或某事)。要退出屏幕,只需结束shell会话,或键入^ A ^。
Screen is much more powerful than that (I use it to tab several virtual terminals without the need for a special terminal emulator, and also so that I don't loose my sessions when X crashes or something). To get out of screen, simply end your shell session, or type ^A ^.