Pragmatic Programmer 中的一章建议将黑板/基于空间的架构 + 规则引擎视为传统工作流系统的更灵活替代方案.
One chapter in Pragmatic Programmer recommends looking at a blackboard/space-based architecture + a rules engine as a more flexible alternative to a traditional workflow system.
我正在从事的项目目前使用工作流引擎,但我想评估替代方案.我真的觉得 SBA 会是我们业务问题的更好解决方案,但我担心完全缺乏社区支持/用户群/供应商/选项.
The project I'm working on currently uses a workflow engine, but I'd like to evaluate alternatives. I really feel like a SBA would be a better solution to our business problems, but I'm worried about a total lack of community support/user base/venders/options.
JavaSpaces 已死,而 JINI 分拆出来的 Apache River 似乎正处于生存状态.SemiSpace 看起来很完美,但这是一场单人秀.唯一可行的解决方案似乎是 GigaSpaces.
JavaSpaces is dead, and the JINI spin-off Apache River seems to be on life support. SemiSpace looks perfect, but it's a one-man show. The only viable solution seems to be GigaSpaces.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on space based architecture and any experiences you've had with real world implementations.
Gigaspaces 是 JavaSpaces 的成功商业实现——所以,我不会说 JavaSpaces 已死.
Gigaspaces is a successful commercial implementation of JavaSpaces -- so, I wouldn't say JavaSpaces is dead.
您可以查看 Java 共享数据工具包(还有这篇文章),看看它是否符合您的要求.
You might take a look at Java Shared Data Toolkit (also this article) to see if it meets your requirements.